Category "frameworks"

Will changing the info.plist of custom framework manually create problems in installing on device?

I made a custom framework from a xcode project with "" bundle identifier using lipo -create command by joining simulator and iphone architecture f

Intellij: Cannot select "Groovy" in "Add Framework Support"

I would like to add Groovy support to my project in Intellij Idea 2018.1. But when I open "Add Framework Support..." from the project context menu, I don't see

Rollup doesn't bundle all the files exported in my input src

I have a problem. I'm currently making a component library for react, it works perfectly in storybook. But when I do a npm rollup, or install my package from np

How to call another Sanic Application from One

I have two Python web frameworks (Sanic) deployed separately in a microservice architecture. How can I call the endpoints of Framework A inside Framework B? I a

Xcode10 - dyld: Library not loaded for pod installed in framework

I have a project with target frameworks. MainAppTarget FrameworkA FrameworkA is the only one to use a certain pod, hence in my pod file I have something like

entity framework seed in OnModelCreating with many-to-many relatioship

i have 2 class with a many to many relationship public class Actor { public int Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public ICollectio

framework not found GoogleMapsCore Error

I'm using cocoapods in my project and I have googlemaps(2.5.0) and googleplaces(2.5.0) in my podfile(which I've installed with 'pod install'). However, I'm ge

Error "Error: A <Route> is only ever to be used as the child of <Routes> element"

I am trying to use routing for the first time and followed the exact instructions from Udemy: File App.js: import { Route } from "react-router-dom"; import Welc

printing all running session variable in laravel 5.1

How do I print all running session variable in Laravel 5.1? I want to print all the running session variable. Currently I can retrieve single running session f

Adding XCFramework to framework project gives error: Include of non-modular header inside framework module

We’ve been successfully using the ACRCloud iOS SDK in our iOS app. You simply download it, add their XCFramework to your project, and add the following to

How to hide Yii Web Framework name from Wappalyzer?

I'm trying to hide the framework name Yii from Wappalyzer plugin in Chrome/Firefox. I need to hide the framework name as a part of security audit. I've turned

Why do I need node js and what is a framework [closed]

so I learned HTML and CSS and now I'm learning JavaScript but I want to know what is node js and why I need it and in general what is a framew

Charts.js how to set zero-value on axis?

I'm trying to implement a horizontal bar chart with Charts.js (sample page) Standard behavior is, that the bars split at the "mirror line" at "0" See image How

Android: Alternatives to AsyncTask?

for my app I made a framework for all network calls to an external API. I put everything in "Services" like: UserService, MessageService etc. So now when I want

how to create a path and query validation in adonis5

In adonis5 i am currently using schema based validation, but these validation is only applicable to request body . how i can validate path and query parameter v

Libgdx Installation gdx-setup.jar file missing

So I have watched several videos and read through many a forum post on installing libgdx with android development studio. Every time someone opens the gdx-set

Microsoft.Playwright.PlaywrightException:Connection closed (connection disposed) - getting this error using PoM Playwright c#, Visual studio 2022

public async Task Test2() { //IPage page=null; LoginPage lpage = new LoginPage(); IPage page = await IPage.loginToApllication("john", "admin", "<&

how to compare only date from a model's datetimefield with current date?

I want to use Model.objects.filter( How exactly can I achieve this? I am using django 1.6.5. I want only records of cu

iOS app is crashing after kill and relauch using Adobe xcframeworks

I have added adobe AEPCore.xcframework in my application and kept it as "Do not embed" in framework setting. Screenshot: When i kill and relaunch the applicati

This application requires one of the following versions of the .NET Framework

When trying to launch an application, it gives an error that a version of .NET Framework needs installed. .NET Framework is installed and when you try to instal