Category "flutter-dependencies"

Can i avoid this error. E/InputMethodManager: Failed to get fallback IMM with expected .flutter.plugins.webviewflutter.InputAwareWebView

I'm Using the flutter_tex library flutter_tex flutter_tex: ^3.6.7+10 I want to release the app in the play store. My app is running fine. But I'm getting thi

Flutter: Missing Plugin Exception Raised when running release builds of android app

Issue I am currently working on an app which uses multiple packages. The app works like a charm in both debug and profile modes. But when I get the release buil

This is a most likely a transient condition and may be corrected by retrying with a backoff

I'm using firebase in my project and i got some issues mentioned below - [cloud_firestore/unavailable] The service is currently unavailable. This is a most like

Flutter Firebase and Android issue - unable to initialise. Cannot find google-services.json with latest (sept 2020) migration instructions executed

I'm a Flutter developer and for the past two days I have been trying to get my app working for Android. It's quite a big app with a lot of different functionali

How to add image to ExpantionTile in flutter

I've been working on an app in which I want to add an image in the ExpansionTile function but the catch is that flutter don't allow us to add image in that. For

Switching Camera Aspect Ratio in Flutter

How do we switch the camera preview aspect ratio in Flutter? I would like to switch be able to switch from 1:1, 4:3, and 16:9 aspect ratio I am using this Camer

I want to make a slider custom bottom value with incremet in flutter

i want this type slider in flutter any one please help me i want to make this type slider with the same value get by the slider value i am facing the problem to

Finished with error: Gradle task assembleDebug failed with exit code 1

Launching lib\main.dart on HTC One M9PLUS in debug mode... Initializing gradle... Resolving dependencies... Gradle task 'assembleDebug'... registerResGenerating

How to check if google user login is new account in flutter

How to check if the user that login with google is new or existed. If new I want to navigate to other screen. If not I want to navigate to home screen. loginG

How to check if google user login is new account in flutter

How to check if the user that login with google is new or existed. If new I want to navigate to other screen. If not I want to navigate to home screen. loginG

Error "This widget has been unmounted, so the State no longer has a context (and should be considered defunct)" upon SDK and packages upgrade

I got the error "This widget has been unmounted, so the State no longer has a context (and should be considered defunct. Consider canceling any active work duri

YouTube video player in flutter

I'm using this package youtube_player_flutter: ^8.0.0 to display YouTube videos in my flutter application but I have a little of issues that I can't solve yet.

html editor enhanced alert dialog not working when the dialog placed on editor

Dependency : html_editor_enhanced: ^2.4.0+1 HtmlEditor( controller: controller, htmlEditorOptions: HtmlEditorOptions(

How to send direct email by Flutter web

I Am Building a flutter web i have to send form Data by email to my Gmail email address How Can i. Please Help Me. I had User "mailer 3.0.4" and flutter_email_s

DioError [DioErrorType.RESPONSE]: Http status error [405]

I am creating a post request Using Dio, this is my FormData params, FormData formData = FormData.fromMap({ 'wallet_id': '${dropdownValue.walletId}',

SharedPreference giving "Unable to establish connection on channel." when used inside flutter_background_service

I'm using flutter_background_service to start a service to fetch data from Cloud. It's working just fine in Android. But when I run on an iOS Simulator, I get t

Flutter Mailer isn't working due to these errors

I am trying to send a form from flutter app to my email automatically when the user submit the form. here's the code : import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "FBSDKLoginKit" inside ios directory

I have flutter app and I am getting the following error when I run the command: pod install --repo-update Here are is the error I am getting: [!] CocoaPods coul

Add mute unmute to video_player function when video is looping? Flutter app

I wanted to know how to add mute unmute function with looped video without pausing it. on set state I have setState(() {}); controller.setLooping(true); con

BottomNavigationBar overflowing in flutter

This is my code. Bottom navigation Bar overflowing by 12 and 26 pixels to be precise. Any Solutions?** Tried Every way. I also created my custom Bottom Naviga