Category "flexbox"

How to stop flex from stretching to 100% width?

I have a section with 2 columns pulled to center in flexbox, but for whatever reason the container doesn't wrap itself around them horizontally and instead fill

How to align the icons on the right to the center of the navigation bar?

I want to align the social media icon on the right in the center of the navigation bar along with the navigation link and logo. I'm trying to do something like

Not able to make image responsive using tailwind css

Here is the code :) <div> <div class="w-full m-4 rounded-xl flex flex-wrap shadow-md border-2 place-self-center"> <div class="flex flex-1"&

Flexbox first element on center and the rest below

There is a good chance someone has asked this question already, but I can't seem to figure out the right keywords to find the answer. I want my first element in

How to react clicks on an overlay flexbox(Material UI Grid) element

I have an overlay element, the overlay element is a flexbox container, there is only one item which is centered, so there is space around it. If someone clicks

Vertical image Resize. (Flex or vh)

Hey! Thanks for reading! I've got a web-app login screen. I'm focusing on creating a responsive app-like login page. (no scroll etc) Issue description: With a v

A grid layout with responsive squares

I am wanting to create a grid layout with responsive squares. I feel like I should be able to do this with CSS Grid layout but having trouble setting the heigh

MUI - V5 Grid System spacing not producing gutters between Grid Items

I am just learning Material UI with react. Starting with V5. I have a basic 12 column grid just to learn this. The spacing is just not working properly. It is j

Can't apply overflow in a flexbox [duplicate]

I'm struggling to make overflow-y works within flex. <div class="flex h-full flex-col"> <mark class="bg-red-900 p-2 font-semibold t

Bootstrap 3.3.7 "row" causing horizontal scroll bar

Ok ok, I know. This question has been asked a lot. But, so far, I have not found a working solution. I boiled my page down to nothing but this: <div clas

How can I order CSS columns horizontally instead of vertically for auto height elements?

Each of my columns has different heights. How can I order my column to horizontally instead of vertical using CSS? Also on hovering of each item, the height wil

Flexbox - center vertically second row

I'd like to position second row in the center of container, but I can't figure out how to make it. align-self works in horizontal direction only - even if flex-

Two-column vertical-numbered lists with Flexbox

I'm sure this must be a duplicate, but I cannot find any related answers because so many people are referring to flexbox elements as "lists", when they're not a

How to move Material UI tabs to the bottom of a parent like AppBar?

If you have <Tabs that are inside an AppBar, what would be the best practice for having the tabs at the bottom of a parent, so like at the bottom of the head

Three columns with equal height corresponding rows in each column

I need to create a layout in which you have three columns, in each column the corresponding row needs to have the same height. The requirements for this are. T

Why don't flex items shrink past content size?

I have 4 flexbox columns and everything works fine, but when I add some text to a column and set it to a big font size, it is making the column wider than it sh

Flex React Native -- How to have content break to next line with flex when content reaches edge

I have a list of icons inside my styled container that are displayed in a flexDirection:'row' but when there is more icons than width of view, they dont break t

How to enable a scrollbar on a flex item?

I have a flexbox-based layout with two panels (top and bottom) occupying 1/3 and 2/3 of the viewport, respectively. (Actually there are more panels, but I've di

React Native - Sticky footer at the bottom of container

I'm trying to make a <View> called footer stick at the bottom of the right container. Here is a live example: If I make th

How can I make my flex columns have equal height in an absolutely positioned container?

I have absolutely positioned div.container. div.wrapper inside it. and two divs as flex columns in div.wrapper. These columns have backgrounds. How can I make t