Category "firebase-cloud-messaging"

Firebase data message to specific android app versions

i have an android app and i want to send a firebase data message to inform the users of a new app version available in the play store. I am sending a data messa

TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'navigator.serviceWorker.addEventListener')

I want to use Firebase Cloud Messaging to send notifications to the users, but I am getting this error when I try to setup messageing: TypeError: undefined is

No implementation found for method getApplicationSupportDirectory on channel using java (not using kotlin)

I am using new flutter version 2.2.3 and firebase_messaging 10.0.5 plugin.. I have implemented the FCM services. I have got the FCM in background but when FCM i

How to receive FCM push notification data in flutter web and redirect user to received link in notification?

I am trying to redirect user to specific page in flutter web on click of notification, till now I am receiving notification, the last open page is displayed in

Flutter FCM push notification show the blank screen when user tap on Notification in killed state

When user tap on push notification in termination state of app then it will open blank screen and app stuck on this screen and when app is in background then it

FCM - web Token getting generated in my account but if i am login with some other Gmail account in chrome then it will throws Error

Other than my registered Gmail account I will be getting the below error in the chrome browser perhaps token getting generated if I log in with my email id in c

Not receiving notification when it is sent while the application is killed/closed

My desired outcome is to be able to display a notification when one is received regardless of whether the app is in foreground/background/kill. I am currently a

Firebase Cloud Messaging : not receiving message in android 12

I am trying to send push notification to android 12 device using Firebase messaging service. When i try to send FCM from nodeJs, onMessageReceived is not called

Flutter onSelectNotification method doesn't show payload when app closed

I'm using flutterlocalnotifications package and FCM to send notifications to my users. Everything working perfectly. I can show notifications to my users when m

Flutter - how to get current context?

I am using Firebase cloud messaging for notifications, and i want to show a dialog or snackbar once i receive a notification when i am inside the application, m

Start Background service when app is in background

How can I start an alarm using background services when we receive notification ? When my application is active then background service start easily, but when a

Duplicate fcm push notification in react native android backgroundhandler

I developed react native application with rnfirebase and notifee for sending the push notification. foreground is working properly, message is displayed only on

How to set Flutter FCM Background Notification Settings

I don't have any problem with sending notifications. The only problem is that I can't set background notifications. While notification importance and icon in on

Send notification to only one user in firebase [closed]

I have an android app and I want to send notifications to only one user when data is change. How can I do that? I don't want to send my messag

Firebase messaging warning messages on service worker install process

I'm using firebase for push web notifications, my file firebase-messaging-ws.js is something like this: importScripts('

Flutter iOS firebaseMessaging doesn't handle RemoteMessages without Notification block

I intercept messages as follows: FirebaseMessaging.onMessage.listen((RemoteMessage message) async { print('Message data: ${}'); }); I send mes

credentials used to authenticate does not have permission

I am trying to use firebase cloud messaging to deploy a http push notifications onto an actual device. When so, I am getting the error "The credential used to a

The provided registration token is not registered

I'm trying to send push notification for iOS via Google cloud functions but it returns error that The provided registration token is not registered. But I've ch

How to start specific screen when notification appear in flutter

I am using firebase_messaging for notification, everyting is work fine. I have a video calling screen I want to start this screen on notification when app in ba

Firebase FCM - how to test Retry-After with exponential back-off

I want to implement the recommended exponential back-off trying to honour the Retry-After header eventually returned by the Firebase Cloud Messaging, using HTTP