Category "file-permissions"

File permissions lost after unzipping with zipfile

I have extracted a zip file ( from in Ubuntu (by right

Django 'attempt to write a readonly database' even if db file has read and write permissions

I am using SQLite3, Ubuntu server. I have checked the read and write permissions of the database file. It is: -rw-r--r-- Doesn't this mean that the file has rea

"ls" permission denied even though I have read access to the directory [closed]

Although I am the owner (pi) of the directory, still permission is denied pi@raspberrypi:~/Desktop $ sudo ls -al total 16 d-wx--x--x 3 pi pi

Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" for linked server "xxxx"

In our SQL Server 2017 we have a linked server to a Microsoft Access file/database. There is a bunch of users who all log into SQL Server using Windows authenti

WordPress File Access Permission

I am trying to upload an image to set a background image for my theme, but I get this error: Unable to create directory wp-content/uploads/2018/05. Is its p

VS Code - Error: EPERM: operation not permitted

I have been experiencing A LOT of permission issues when using VS code with Windows 10. When trying to move a folder: Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, r

Node.js File Permissions are set at 000 when I create a File. How can I create a file with read write permissions, or change permissions?

I am trying to create a file via Node.js, and would like to specifically use the the FS.openSync() method if possible. Currently I have a very simple class buil