Category "fabricjs"

fabricjs issue with bounding/selection box after polygon dynamially manipulated

Using fabricjs, i draw a polygon. And place point markers at each point of polygon. Now when user drags this point marker, i dynamically manipulate respective p

How to change width\height of fabric.Path object? Params width\height in constructor don't work

I use fabric-js and try to pass width and height of fabric.Path via params in constructor like so: const path = 'M16.2777 24.96C15.4876 26.3467 13.5124 26.3467

On the fabricjs how can you determine if an object already exists at certain coordinates?

I have been working with fabricjs for the last few weeks and I cannot find a solution for an issue I am having. I have an object and I would like to programmati

FabricJS image in vue component not appearing

I want to use manipulate images on a canvas with FabricJS inside a VueJS app. In my view component, I am passing in a prop called background and using fabric.Im

getting image src in fabricjs

hi i am using fabric js for image resize and and drag and drop. now i want active object src . so i try like this way canvas.on('object:selected', function (

Fabric JS clipPath: how to fit the image to the canvas after cropping?

I implemented image cropping using FabricJS and clipPath property. The question is how do I make the image fit the canvas after cropping? I want the cropped im

Fabric JS clipPath: how to fit the image to the canvas after cropping?

I implemented image cropping using FabricJS and clipPath property. The question is how do I make the image fit the canvas after cropping? I want the cropped im

How to animate rotate around center in fabric js

When you use one of the handle bars to rotate an object in fabricjs it will rotate the object around center. However, when using tri.animate('angle', 45, {

Let user delete a selected fabric js object

I have a simple fabric js based application where I will let users add shapes connect them and animate them. Following is my JS var canvas; window.newAnimat

FabricJS - remove Stroke from image intended for saving

I have the following code for rounding corners of an image: $scope.startRoundedCorners = function(e) { if ($rootScope.activePanel === 'round') return;

FabricJS: Always Center Object on Canvas

is it possible to ALWAYS center an object on a fabricjs canvas? Background: I am building a webtool that makes it easy to create complex animations using fabri