Category "expand"

Expanding animation on click

I'm facing a problem right know about css & javascript animations, let me explain, I have two columns with a box of information and a button to "see more" o

I want to make the rows in this table collapsible/expandable

Find the code here, don't want to paste the entire thing... Or as an example, lets use this <head> <

Collapse/expand targeted section bootstrap not working

My goal is to toggle a specific section to expand or collapse a list of numbers. I am using Bootstrap for a toggle button to control this section, but it isn't

string split with expand=True. Can anyone explain what is the meaning?

all_data['Title']= all_data['Name'].str.split(', ', expand=True)[1].str.split('.', expand=True)[0] Can anyone explain what is the meaning of this line of code?

React JS - Material UI ListItem (with Collapse API) onClick expands/collapse all sub list items instead of the selected one

I'm implementing Expand/Collapse feature of List using React JS - Material UI ListItem (with Collapse API) When I click on the ListItem it expands/collapse a

In VS Code file searching, can I expand (or collapse) all results?

In the Search pane of the program, after I hit Enter, all files are listed, with some expanded to show results in a file, and others collapsed. I'm wondering fi