Category "excel-2010"

Convert Calendar Days to Working Days (and Vice Versa) | 4 Day Work Week

I have values corresponding to 'Calendar Days.' I'd like to convert this to 'Working Days.' In this example, a 'Working Day' is defined by Monday through Thurs

Excel XLL - how to register (xlfRegister) a function via its export ordinal?

I'm building an XLL for Excel, and am trying to register functions via XlfRegister. According to Microsoft's documentation , the target procedure to be invoked

If a cell in range of cells in Excel 2010 contains specific text, move whole cell text into a different column

I am struggling to find an answer to this one... Each month I am provided with a spreadsheet full of clients data that is a raw extract from some sort of CRM s

Replacing file path in excel with another

I have an excel file with cells that retrieve data from a file stored on another computer. I need to update the file path in all of these formulas but it is ext

Excel 2010 VBA ActiveChart.SetSourceData Failed

I have a Excel VBA application which has been working fine in Excel 2003 but failed in Excel 2010. The relative codes are Public Sub Create_Chart Dim c

Create table from data on a worksheet with specific name and add column

I have a number of imported worksheets from CSV. The data includes timestamps based on UNIX epoch. Each time I import a new sheet I need to add a column to conv