Category "error-handling"

React Error Boundaries not working properly with async function

So basically I wait for the Auth to return the current authenticated user from aws amplify/cognito, then I run a query to get their data(I intentionally have it

Angular 10 - cannot force error using HttpClient delete()

so I'm following an Angular tutorial right now and in the error-handling-chapter I'm currently stuck because I cannot force an error to appear when feeding a Ht

What does "Fatal error: Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value" mean?

My Swift program is crashing with EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION and one of the following similar errors. What does this error mean, and how do I fix it? Fatal error:

Angular get all console errors

I'm trying to catch all console errors of my Angular aplication, not only the http response error, but also those that are generated in the application. I mean,

Force Tomcat a JSON response of BadRequest error: Invalid character found in the request target

I have this spring boot (v2.2.8) app for REST-full service, and I want all responses and errors to be only in JSON. Almost every error works with @ExceptionHand

Two different error handlers in one procedure

I have two separate error handlers. Both look for if two separate workbooks are open. Sub ErrHandler() wbsource_name=ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range

Laravel installer throws error when creating new project

I am trying to create new Laravel application. I have installed XAMPP and Composer. With Composer ( composer global require laravel/installer ) I have installed

Symfony Make:Migration : The metadata storage is not up to date, please run the sync-metadata-storage command to fix this issue

I keep getting this problem everytime i try to migrate using the commandline: php bin/console make:migration or even doctrine:migration status when i try the do

DRF Error: Cannot assign must be a instance

I'm working on an app that lets you track your expenses and I'm trying to create an 'balnace' object when the user registers, but when I try so I get an Error:

How do I add an error message to my stored procedure when 0 rows are affected?

I am trying to learn how to use transactions and error handling. Got stuck with custom error messages. The stored procedure generates badges for AdventureWorks

AttributeError: module 'networkx' has no attribute 'connected_component_subgraphs'

B = nx.Graph() B.add_nodes_from(data['movie'].unique(), bipartite=0, label='movie') B.add_nodes_from(data['actor'].unique(), bipartite=1, label='actor') B.add_e

Laravel relationship hasMany not working

I want to print the name of the user by finding it with 'finished_by' column where id of user is stored. but i get this error: Trying to get property 'name

How to add description in Github api?

This is my code:- try: #some code except Exception as error: import os os.system("cls") print("An error occured while running the code. Submitti

Does IErrorHandler Interface work for a caller or only a called WCF service?

Referring to this interface: I have coded class that impl

Setting a default for nosuchelementexception for multiple variables in python

So I am scrapping multiple rows of a table and many of them are either available or not for different pages. What I want to do is to detect which field is not a

Is there a powershell pattern for if($?) { }

I find myself chaining these a lot, eg: do-cmd-one if($?) { do-cmd-two } ... then at the end: if(!$?) { exit 1 } I assume there's a pattern for this in

Python zipfile try except not passing over "zlib.error: Error -3 while decompressing data: invalid distance too far back"

I am working on a python script to unzip a folder of nested zip files. In general, it seems to be working, but when it comes to one of the files I always receiv

Why my javascript is showing reference error "Prompt is not defined"

// program to check if the string is palindrome or not function checkPalindrome(str) { // find the length of a string const len = string.length; /

How to pretty print clean typescript errors in vscode?

I find the inline error popup in vscode useless because it's so unreadable, are there any plugins that prints cleaner inline errors? Rewarded Ad Implement Problem

I have made an Apps, but when I put the code of RewardedAd in, I can't find the keyword "this" correctly, which is giving Code Error. Now, what ca