Category "enums"

TypeScript enum to object array

I have an enum defined this way: export enum GoalProgressMeasurements { Percentage = 1, Numeric_Target = 2, Completed_Tasks = 3, Average_Milest

How to make toMap and fromMap method for Enums class dart flutter?

I used an enum variable in a class. Now I want to implement the toMap and fromMap methods for the class. enter code here enum ColorNumber { inc, dec, none }

error: ALTER TYPE ... ADD cannot run inside a transaction block

I am trying to add new type value to my existing types in PostgreSQL. But I get the following error error: ALTER TYPE ... ADD cannot run inside a transactio

How to define enum mapping in OpenAPI?

I am designing an API and I want to define an enum Severity which can have values LOW, MEDIUM or HIGH. Internally Severity gets stored as an integer so I want t

Python enum iteration over subset

I would like to iterate over a subset of the following enum class Items(enum.Enum): item1 = 0 item2 = 1 item3 = 2 item4 = 3 item5 = 4 i

The type or namespace name 'Parse' does not exist in the namespace 'Enum'

I have System in my namespace, what am I missing? I am brand new to C# and am following a course on Udemy and following a book titled C#8.0 and .NET Core 3.0 -

How to get enum value by string or int

How can I get the enum value if I have the enum string or enum int value. eg: If i have an enum as follows: public enum TestEnum { Value1 = 1, Value2

In Rust, is there a way to iterate through the values of an enum?

I come from a Java background and I might have something like enum Direction { NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST} and I could do something with each of the values in tur

Converting Protobuf3 with enum to JSON in Go

How can I convert grpc/protobuf3 message to JSON where the enum is represented as string? For example, the protobuf message: enum Level { WARNING = 0;

Can't use enum class as unordered_map key

I have a class containing an enum class. class Shader { public: enum class Type { Vertex = GL_VERTEX_SHADER, Geometry = GL_GEOMETRY_SHADE

How to get enum key by value in Typescript?

I have an enum like this: export enum Colors { RED = "RED COLOR", BLUE = "BLUE COLOR", GREEN = "GREEN COLOR" } Could you let me know how to get e

Define an "Unknown" or "NULL" value in an enum

I am defining a custom typedef Elements as follows.... typedef enum { Ar, Cl, F, He, H, Kr, Ne, N, O, Rn, Xe } Ele

Why my enum type wont work in Next.js project

I getting this error "Type 'string' is not assignable to type '"left" | "right"'." Project running on Next.js Here is my type definiton export interface TwoColu

How to use enums in C++

Suppose we have an enum like the following: enum Days {Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday}; I want to create an instance of this enum and

Concatenate 2 Enumerated type variable sets

enum sup; sup=['a','b','c']; enum sup2; sup2=['d','e','f']; enum sup3; sup3=sup++sup2; I want to get an new enumerated type sup3 with all a,b,c,d,e,f.Is t

Cannot approach Typescript enum within HTML

I made an enum with Typescript to use in MyService.service.ts MyComponent.component.ts and MyComponent.component.html. export enum ConnectionResult { Succ

Add functions to an Enum

Is it possible to add functions to an Enum type in TypeScript? for example: enum Mode { landscape, portrait, // the dream... toString() { co

Why cant I make an enum's inner class public?

Testing some things out I tried o make an enum in which every one element in a enum have a different class inside. Take for example: public enum MyEnum { f

Why Python 3.6.1 throws AttributeError: module 'enum' has no attribute 'IntFlag'?

I just installed Python 3.6.1 for MacOS X When I attempt to run the Console(or run anything with Python3), this error is thrown: AttributeError: module 'enu

Define data type of enum in C for memory

I could not find a direct answer to this but is it possible to force a certain kind of data type for an enum in C ? e.g I have an enum for a state machine that