Category "entity"

How do you handle systems accessing multiple components (without dropping your cache load) in an entity component system?

I'm currently writing my own Entity Component System, and I'm having a little bit of trouble optimizing my cache load when it comes to systems that look at mult

ERROR: relation "entity_alarm" does not exist"

i'm running TB v3.3.4.1P on Ubuntu. i have an analytics aggregate stream node, it should be counting produced units per hour. whenever i try to edit it i receiv

How to add collision detection to 2d objects in ursina?

Hi i was wondering how to add collision detection to 2d entitys in ursina. I am a beginner so this is very difficult for me. Here's my code attached: from ursin

ERD - Recursive relationship with two primary keys

I have a product table: Product (ID, Version) And I am having trouble creating a recursive table named "Update". this table should have a product ID and for eac

entity framework seed in OnModelCreating with many-to-many relatioship

i have 2 class with a many to many relationship public class Actor { public int Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public ICollectio

MapStruct implementation is not working in Spring Boot Web Application

I am a newbie to Spring Boot and MapStruct Tool. Earlier, A Project(written by other team using these technologies) is not starting up. Then, I had made some

Difference between Entity and DTO

What is the difference between a DTO and an Entity? In details these are my questions: What fields should the DTOs have? For example my entity classes are: @E

The type 'Company.Model.User' and the type 'Company.Core.Model.User' both have the same simple name of 'User' and so cannot be used in the same model

I have a base entity class MyCompany.Core.Model.User which is to be used for common properties of a User entity: public class User { public string Username