Category "ember.js"

Emberjs Model from route returning undefined in controller

I have a strange behavior with my Ember app. I can't make any sense out of it. Basically I'm using Ember octane and I wanted to access my model from my route to

How to open and close Ember Power Select from outside

I'm aware of this question, but is not complete. I want to open and close the dropdown from outside. I can dispatch a mousedown event when click on my wrapper

Is there an AWS API for getting list of all regions?

currently I am developing a form as below with Ember: My question is: Is there an API which helps me to fill in this select form ? Because I don't want to ma

Minimist vulnerability

We are facing critical vulnerability in minimist which is added as transitive dependency. +-- [email protected] | +-- [email protected] | | `-- [email protected]

Error returning promise from Ember Data

I am working on my first Ember app and got it to display the way I wanted with the route returning a static JSON object from model(): element: { name: "First

How to modify/change the ember mirage response in my tests file?

The application uses ember-cli-mirage to mock the data and uses specific endpoint to get the specific response. Mocking data and showing the content to the temp

Ember app error - Could not find module `undefined/app` imported from `(require)`

I'm able to start my ember app but nothing loads in the screen and I noticed this error in browser console log. Any idea about what could I be missing? ember se

Iframe in Chrome error: Failed to read 'localStorage' from 'Window': Access denied for this document

I have a web app which uses localStorage. Now we want to embed this web app on other (third-party) sites via iframe. We want to provide an iframe embed similar