Category "email-attachments"

Few cases are not getting created in Email-To-Case(With attachment)

I sent an email with an attachment from my mail(outlook and Gmail) account to the email address which is routed in my org and the case(with attachment) got crea

Error saving attachments when they are embedded

I'm saving Outlook attachments (as part of a copy). I get an error message from the line objAtt.SaveAsFile strFile when the attachment is an embedded image. T

Getting error "The attachment content must be base64 encoded" while sending pdf in zip as an attachment using SendGrid

We are using SendGrid latest available Java API to send emails. We are attaching a PDF enclosed in a zip file. While sending mail we are getting a 404 response

Create a ZipFile in memory and attach it to an email

I'm trying to modify an existing python script to convert an in-memory CSV into an (also in memory) zip archive and send it as an attachment to an email. I've h

PropertyAccessor SchemaName (Outlook MailItem attachment)

I'm trying to generate Outlook HTML-Mail with embedded image from my C# application. I've found out that I have to attach the image and referencing it in the HT

Parse the body of attachment in outlook mail with MAPI Python

I am using win32com for parsing emails in my outlook, how can I parse the contents of attachment in mail. outlook = win32com.client.Dispatch("Outlook.Applicat

Accessing an email attachment as an object

OK so I have a script that goes through my outlook inbox looking for a particular header string. This works great for emails directly in my inbox. Now I'm tryin