Category "egui"

Ambiguous name when using three_d and egui

recently I am using three_d this crate in my project, but when I use three_d and egui in the same script it causes an ambiguous name error use three_d::*; use e

Rust egui window size and dark mode

I'm tring to make a native gui app using egui. After some time got the hello_world example to compile.Heres the code: use eframe::{epi, egui}; struct MyEguiApp

How do I make my own window frame in egui (eframe) Rust

Here is how I start my app and remove the window frame: let app = RustClicker::default(); let mut native_options = eframe::NativeOptions::default();

How stop auto refresh of egui screen

I have the following menu item fn update(&mut self, ctx: &egui::Context, frame: &epi::Frame) { //let Self { label, value } = self; // Exam

How to display an image in real-time using Rust?

I am trying to write a ray tracer and want to render my image in real time in a GUI window. Basically, I have a buffer: Vec<u8> that is constantly updatin

egui glow image black screen

pub struct FrameBuffer { renderer_id: glow::Framebuffer, color_attachment: glow::Texture, //depth_attachment: glow::Texture, width: u32, hei

Convert glow::Framebuffer to u64

egui::Image::new can take a User(u64) as the first parameter. I have a glow::Framebuffer that I want to pass to the function like egui::Image::new(User(frame_bu