Category "eclipse-plugin"

Error Setting Python Plugin on Eclipse: Using an Unsupported version (Python and JPython)

I was adding a Python plugin to Eclipse. I was able to successfully add PyDev. However, when I was adding manually the interpreter I got the following error: -

How to Install ObjectAid in 2022?

ObjectAid was a very useful Eclipse plug-in which generates class diagram from your source code. Unfortunately it looks like it is discontinued in March 2022 or

Eclipse 2022-3 no longer support CVS?

After upgrading Eclipse to the latest version, 2022-3, I found it seems 'Eclipse CVS Client' plug-in is no longer available in the official software source, wh

Eclipse plugin: update view following a command

I am developing a plugin where I execute a command triggered from a toolbar icon. After the command completes I want to update a view which will display a table

Eclipse Google Cloud SQL connection

I am writing a Java MVC web app in Eclipse using Google App Engine. I would like to know why once I have deployed the app to Google Cloud the Google Cloud MySQ

How to add image next to the title text of an Expandable composite?

I am working on modifying EGit for an use case. The current state looks like the following: I now want to add an image next to the title text of the unstaged s

Gradle for STS Eclipse Neon

Need to install buildship or Gradle IDE on STS based on eclipse Neon? STS Info: Spring Tool Suite Version: 3.8.4.RELEASE Bu

Unable to use tekstac eclipse plugin

I'm trying to use the tekstac Eclipse Plugin ( for conn

detect vrapper in .vimrc

In my .vimrc I have the following: " Use j/k to navigate the word completion popup menu inoremap <expr> j pumvisible() ? "\<C-N>" : "j" inoremap &l

Eclipse debugger and remote debugger not working

I m using Eclipse Luna Version: Luna Release (4.4.0) Build id: 20140612-0600-32 BIT I have some breakpoints and remote debugger on which use to work as expected

How to get repository url and plugin id from marketplace for Eclipse plugin

I am provisioning Eclipse and Eclipse plugins to an Ubuntu Virtual Machine using vagrant and chef. All plugins need to be installed using equinox.p2. Here is an

How to trigger Liquibase from eclipse

I have Eclipse (Spring Tool Suite, latest version) with the liquibase plugin installed. What I want to do is generate a first change log from my existing datab

Eclipse Color Theme reverts to default every time I exit

I am using the native "Dark" theme in Eclipse Luna and then using the Eclipse Color Theme plugin to pick some different editor themes. The issue is that every t

TestNG Cannot find class in classpath once a new scala class is added to the suite.xml file

Seems like this is a very "popular" question on SO with no definitive way to fix it but I'm asking the question anyway because I can provide some more details.

Correct way to remove plugin from Eclipse

Last times, I'm facing problem of removing plugins from Eclipse. symptoms: 1. if removing thru already installed menu,that can't reinstall correctly and have

Upgrade log4j to log4j2 in OSGi environment (Eclipse plugin)

I have an OSGi application (Eclipse plugin) that contains several bundles. I have a com.domain.dependencies bundle that, as the name suggests, contains dependen