Category "dynamics-crm"

How to Send export excel or CSV in email from MS Dynamics 365?

Everyday I am downloading report in excel exports from Dynamics 365 manually. Is there anyway I can setup a flow setting so that I will get email that report on

JMeter Test case to login over dynamic CRM

We have to migrate the existing visual studio web test over JMeter. Blazemeter we are using to record test case and when we are trying to run it over JMeter, it

How to get error details client-side when a save operation fails in Dynamics CRM 2013?

When saving an entity form programmatically it is possible to register an error callback, like this:, errorCallback);

Connecting to Dynamics 365 TDS-enabled database with OLEDB Linked Server

I want to run SQL Server queries on a Dynamics 365 database. The administrators of the Dynamics database have enabled "TDS" for me - and now I can easily connec

Dynamics 365 omnichannel integration with instagram

i have request from a client to handle incoming chat request trough Dynamics365 Omnichannel application. The client has a business FB page and a business IG acc

CrmServiceClient is always returning null Organization Service

I've got the following code to connect to Dynamics 365 Online organization. It throws a null reference exception on orgService.Execute(new WhoAmIRequest()); and

MS Crm 2011 javascript Iframe functions

I'm facing a problem with an IFrame on MS CRM 2011. I'm trying to generate HTML code and write it into an IFrame. I'm quite new to CRM development so I hope you