Category "dynamics-365"

How to Send export excel or CSV in email from MS Dynamics 365?

Everyday I am downloading report in excel exports from Dynamics 365 manually. Is there anyway I can setup a flow setting so that I will get email that report on

Script path of PowerShell task Azure DevOps release

I have PowerShell script, that I would like to use in deployments of Dynamics 365 to migrate an Access Team Template to our Test and Prod environments. I have a

Flow: Dynamics 365 and Azure SQL Server

I have a database in Azure and I would like to bring over all the data from there into Dynamics 365. I have listed the following scenarios. I want to know if th

Is there any way to customize 'Access denied' Message in dynamcis 365

when a user(user has BU level READ permission) changes the owner of his record to another user in a different business unit, he is loosing his access to that re

Is there any way to customize 'Access denied' Message in dynamcis 365

when a user(user has BU level READ permission) changes the owner of his record to another user in a different business unit, he is loosing his access to that re

Is there any way to skip hoisting during yarn build?

Recently I have updated the node version to 16+. Prior to that, I was able to trigger the yarn build command to create the build of my project. But after instal

Performance testing using JMeter for dynamic 365 ecommerce website using ultimate thread group. How to increase concurrent sessions?

I am doing performance testing using JMeter for a 365 dynamics ecommerce website. Script is written and its working fine for following flow: Homepage> catego

Dynamics 365 omnichannel integration with instagram

i have request from a client to handle incoming chat request trough Dynamics365 Omnichannel application. The client has a business FB page and a business IG acc