Category "duration"

What does 'PT' prefix stand for in Duration?

I am trying to use the Duration class instead of long. It has superior literal syntax. I like its flexibility, though it looks weird. "PT10S" means 10 seconds

How to get the duration of an mp3 file

I tried many methods but did not get the exact length value of an mp3 file. With moviepy: audiofile = AudioFileClip(url) print("duration moviepy: " + str(audi

Azure logic apps total duration is different then sum of actions

I'm having issues troubleshooting a failure in Azure logic app. As you can see in this image Although the total duration of the logic app was more than four m

Get Human readable time from nanoseconds

I am trying to implement an ETA feature Using System.nanoTime() startTime = System.nanoTime() Long elapsedTime = System.nanoTime() - startTime; Long allTimeFor