Category "drupal"

Drupal9 custom module

Can anyone plz provide me the zip file of a simple custom module in drupal 9. I am having so much trouble in making a simple module. I have seen so many tutori

how can I set a session variable in Drupal 8 and get it in a php script?

I'm working in a custom module for drupal 8. I have a form and I'm trying to send by means of a submit button some data from my custom module to another php scr

Convert rows to columns using Twig - D8

I have a content type "Awards" that has data structured as below: I want to group this data as below: Want to group them on a "State" basis. So when I click on

Drupal 8: how can I add a class in form tag

How can I add a class in the form attribute within a custom form? Similar to the below: <form class="mu-subscription-form"></form> I have created


I have started facing an issue with locally hosted Drupal 9 (Xampp, Windows 10). The issue started when I was trying to create events in drupal 9 and I was redi

How to map URL requests for vBulletin posts to Drupal 7 Forum comments after migration?

I need help to map requests for vBulletin posts to their new location on a Drupal 7 forum. I inherited a Drupal site after it was migrated from Drupal 5 with v

Getting Taxonomy term name from target ID - D9

Getting Taxonomy term name from Taxonomy target ID: I have a taxonomy term that accepts multiple values. It's rendered as a multiselectfield. I am trying to rea

Apache solr search result view Drupal 7

I am working Apache solr search its working fine. But I need to change the search result to my view like title, date, short description and image. Can you pleas

Remove default message in drupal 8

In Drupal 7 if ($_SESSION['messages']['status'][0] == t('Registration successful. You are now logged in.')) { unset($_SESSION['messages']['status']); }

libraries-override not working on Drupal 8

I'm trying to figure out how I can remove the default css libraries of Drupal 8 on the theme I'm working on. I tried using libraries-override: to remove a speci

Drupal 7 Apachesolr: hook_apachesolr_query_prepare() not being called?

I've been struggling with this for a few hours now. I've tried everything I can think of but can't seem to get the hook hook_apachesolr_query_prepare() to fire.

Drupal Installation Default Page not loading css

I recently installed Drupal on Windows Server I had no errors on installation. There was a warning for OPCaching. I also don't think it should affect it but I u

dompdf and img tag, image wont show

Here is the HTML just before $dompdf->render() and $dompdf->output() are called: <img src="" /> All other i