Category "dotnet-cli"

dotnet build for .net framework 4.7.2 project results in "The framework 'Microsoft.NETCore.App', version '6.0.3' (x64) was not found"

I have a .net framework 4.7.2 web API assembly that I've been building for a while using the command: dotnet build 'D:\proj\folder\main\source\MyProj.We

dotnet add package bootstrap gives 404 error with source

I'm trying to add bootstrap to a new dotnet core razor app. C:\dev\core>dotnet --version 2.1.302 I created the project with the command below and have mad

How to log dotnet test output in junit format

dotnet test uses trx output by default. I am using trx2junit to convert it to junit, but this complicates CI setup. Is it possible to output test report in juni