Category "dockerfile"

--pid=host To Set through DockerFile

I am trying to use the jmap to collect the heapdump. And the application is containerized and lauched on a EC2 Instance. To generate the heapdump the PID got as

--pid=host To Set through DockerFile

I am trying to use the jmap to collect the heapdump. And the application is containerized and lauched on a EC2 Instance. To generate the heapdump the PID got as

error: failed to solve: failed to fetch oauth token: Post "": dial tcp: i/o timeout

I'm trying to build a docker image for my java file on my M1 max MacBook, my dockerfile: FROM openjdk:8-alpine COPY . /src/java WORKDIR /src/java RUN ["javac","

node canvas not installing on docker

can anyone help me to figure out this error? so I'm doing node version upgrade and dockerization tasks. we used node js 8.15.1 before now we want to update it t

Can I avoid restarting services on docker-compose up when the service version changes but not the underlying hash?

Is there a way to avoid restarting a service on a docker-compose up when the image version declared in the service definition has changed but the underlying has

Inject AWS Codebuild Environment Variables into Dockerfile

Is there a way to pass AWS Codebuild environment variables into a Dockerfile? I'd like to be able to pull from ECR like this: FROM $

Possible to add kaniko to alpine image or add jq to kaniko image

This is how I'm using kaniko to build docker images in my gitlab CI, which is working great. But I need to read a json file to get some values. Therefore I need

Faster Dockerfile build using ramdisk

We run a build process that compiles multiple artifacts from a large codebase. On a decent spec i7 with SSDs this takes ~20 minutes, however when I shift to usi

docker bind mount not working in react app

I am using docker toolbox on windows home and having trouble figuring out how to get bind mount working in my frontend app. I want changes to be reflected upon

How to apply Dockerfile `git config` values to a non-root user's ssh session?

I have a Dockerfile whose base layer includes git, configures git's global and and that starts openssh-server. The Dockerfile is along the

docker-compose Equivalent to Docker Build --secret Argument

We have used the technique detailed here to expose host environment variables to Docker build in a secured fashion. # syntax=docker/dockerfile:1.2 FROM golang:1

Docker: Can't read class path resource from spring boot application

Reading a classpath resource as, try { final ClassPathResource classPathResource = new ClassPathResource(format("location%sGeoLite2-City.mmdb", Fil

Use buildx build linux/arm64 in docker-compose file

I can build my dockerfile separately using following command: docker buildx build --platform linux/arm64 -t testbuild . now I want to use buildx in docker-co

docker-compose create volume of my app folder and run node command in it

Docker beginner here. I am trying to set up docker for local development. My ultimate goal is to be able to use "vite" to do hot module reloading development se

How to fix the error "Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running"

I am trying to spin up a docker container inside another docker container and I get this error: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.s

How to solve network connection when RUN yarn install in docker image build?

I have a peculiar problem occurring only in the Mac environment. When I run the docker build command to build my Node image, it is not able to fetch the package

Not able to create a docker image for splash scrapy app python?

I am using scrapy-splash to rendering javascript in web scrapping. So, splash run in a separate container. see here

Copying files with execute permissions in Docker Image

Seems like a basic issue but couldnt find any answers so far .. When using ADD / COPY in Dockerfile and running the image on linux, the default file permissio

How do I replace "\r" line endings when running Docker script on Windows?

I'm using Docker 19 on Windows 10 (using Cygwin to run Docker). I have this web/Dockerfile ... FROM python:3.7-slim RUN apt-get update && apt-get inst

Docker-compose.yml file that builds a base image, then children based on it?

For clarification, when I say base image, I mean the parent image that has all the common configurations, so that the children based on it don't need to downloa