Category ""

"Help" Command (, similar to

I am using which has a similar API to called defectio. This is the documentation for the default help command

AttributeError: 'Button' object has no attribute 'get' button error []

I would like to make a test button but it writes me an error shows which I did not find anywhere on the internet code: @slash.slash( name="ButtonTest", desc

on_member_join(member) is never called in

I am making a discord bot with on python 3.8.6. My other functions, such as on_ready and other commands, work. However, on_member_join is never calle bot gives a block when ban a user. How can I fix that?

When I ban a user using the command, it blocks him/her, so when I unban a user, I want to send to him/her an embed telling him/her "you banned has been removed"

variable is empty even after using global to make it global scoped

I want my program to welcome someone as soon as they join a discord server (, and that part works fine. However, to get the guild name, my program se

Trying to send a message to a recently created Text Channel using

The code in question below works flawlesly, it creates a channel and gives it a description. But i can't figure out how to proceed from here and have it send a

When I use the Genius API, it doesn't give me the full lyrics

When i run this code (, i do not get the full lyrics: @commands.command() async def lyrics(self, ctx, arg1, arg2): song = genius.search_song(arg2

Discord bot adding reactions to a message (no custom emojis)

I've been trying to make a bot using add a reaction to a message using after reading this (which is not what I wanted because I am not usi"TOKEN") blocking issue (python &

I know that"TOKEN") blocks off any code following it...I'm trying to have my program print a message (in my case when a Nike product restocks), and

Command for posting user's avatar

@bot.command(aliases=['av']) async def avatar(ctx, *, avamember : discord.Member = None): userAvatarUrl = avamember.avatar_url await ctx.send(userAvata

Discord Music Bot

I am creating a discord bot that plays music. It successfully joins a channel but then returns an error when searching for music. This is my code: @client.comma

How to get/save the attachment in a slash command?

What I'm trying to do here is get the url or raw file of a slash command attachment. Being the inexperienced person that I am, I've ran into some issues. On dis

Python mention random users from role

How can I mention multiple random users from a role member by using a command in a discord channel. @bot.command(pass_context=True) async def mention(ctx): #

_Context.send() got an unexpected keyword argument 'files'

Im using and I cant figure out how to respond with an image await ctx.send(files="86.png")

Getting the url of a video of a new post using PRAW and send it to a discord server (praw,

I'm trying to make a command in my bot that send the image or the video attacched to a post in reddit. But, when a post is with an Image, all works f

Updated - Create text_channel in specific category

So I am trying to create a text channel in a specific category. It worked but suddenly it's not. This is my Code: import discord from discord.ext import command

"on_raw_reaction_add" working but "on_raw_reaction_remove" not returning guild?

I coded on_eaw_reaction_add and it works just fine @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_raw_reaction_add(self, payload): msgID = 754487460142

Running Flask & a Discord bot in the same application

I am building a Discord bot in Python and would like to receive HTTP requests from's API (See Webhooks Guide & Webhooks Reference) (To subscribe t

( My 8 Ball Command is having a small error here. It says that the thing that picks the responses to give is a error on startup?

@commands.command(name='8ball', description='Let the 8 Ball Predict!\n') async def _8ball(self, ctx, question): responses = ['As I see it, yes.

Discord Bot can only see itself and no other users in guild

I have recently been following this tutorial to get myself started with Discord's API. Unfortunately, when I got the part about printing all the users in the gu