Category "discord.js"

My Discord bot won't reply back with the Embed I made

I don't know much about coding myself but I followed someone's video (specifically this video: on how to make embeds

Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'execute) when i using js

hello I have a discord bot and I want to create reaction roles but when I execute It doesn't work ? please any body help me this is ap prt of the code put it on

Sending a message into all servers where bot is

How do I send one message per guild that my bot is in? It doesn't matter which channel it will be, but I don't know how to code it. I finally came up with that

Sending messages on Discord Bot start / on schedule using TypeScript

I've been building a Discord Bot in TypeScript for myself and a group of friends to use. I'm trying to send a message on client ready that's completely independ

403 Error when setting application command permissions on Discord

My bot got a 403 error, even though it never happened before, and the code hasn't changed at all. throw new DiscordAPIError(data, res.status, request);

I need to apply a 24hour cooldown after use, and add to the token balance on a correct answer (discord.js v13)

Here is the challenge bot slash command: const { SlashCommandBuilder } = require('@discordjs/builders'); const { MessageEmbed, MessageAttachment

Discord.JS fetchMessage()

I have a problem with my Discord.JS Bot, I wanna to edit a embed in a spefic guild and channel, but when I try to run the commands, it errors out with this /roo

findAll() returns empty with WHERE option

First question on StackOverflow, long time reader first time poster or whatever people say. I'm developing a Discord bot in my free time using Discord.js, and I

How do I unban user with commands?

I am trying to make a command that unbans someone. I have tried member.unban, message.guild.unban and the current one, message.guild.members.unban. I am not qui

TypeError [INVALID_TYPE]: Supplied data.type is not a valid MessageComponentType - Discord.js

hey im trying to make a slashCommand that generate random pics with button.. so when a user use the command it will sent an embed with button and then the butto

A discord bot activating another bot via /commands or detect user who used a bot command

Ok, so Im trying to do the following rn: Im using the Disboard bot and beforehand rewarded users for bumping. That wasnt a problem, because the command was "!d

Quick.db + Discord.js Leader Board

Hello I Was Making A Leader Board For My Xp System And The Points One Worked! But The Mention Gives An Unknown Id And Its The Same Always Here Is What It Shows

Retrieving a raw file URL from the Google Drive API

I am trying to get the image file URL from the Google Drive API. Not the webViewLink or webContentLink. The backstory doesn't really matter to the issue but it

discord.js reaction method outputs wrong emoji

I need help with my current method which doesn't get the right reaction emoji. But I want it to get the right Emoji. Can someone help me? bot.on('messageReactio

Discord.js not logging in

I cannot figure out why my bot is not working. Can someone please tell me why it is not logging in?? It shows the logo (the last console.log line), but does not

findOneAndUpdate is not a function of mongoose

I know this question has been answered before but I can't seem to implement the changes into what im working with. I'm trying to create a daily command that rew

Showing [object Object] in embed footer

SEE THIS PIC: I have given the codes which I tried. If I don't add iconURL then it works fine (ONLY FYI). I am using discord.js v13. CODE 1 const embed =

Discord.js Adding Emojis to a send message and grab the message id

Hey Stack Overflow Community, I have another question in regard to discord.js.I want to send a message and add an emoji to it, from which I later want to get th

Add role to user from DMs?

So I'm making a verification bot for one of my Discord Servers, and I've come across a problem. Purpose: When the user first joins, they will be only allowed t

MongoDB Updating Boolean Inside Object

I am trying to update a boolean inside of an object in my discord.js v13 bot but it does not update here are the things i've tried: await gu