Category "dependencies"

The dependencies in the application context form a cycle

The dependencies of some of the beans in the application context form a cycle: authController defined in file [...\AuthController.class] ↓ user

Null safety migration error: package has unmigrated dependencies. But all my dependencies declare support for null-safety

Im trying to migrate dart null safety but I get the following error when I run dart migrate Bad state: Error: package has unmigrated dependencies. Before migra

generated sources of other modules

I have a multi-module maven project. I use maven build helper plugin to automatically add generated sources to the classpath. I am able to use the generated s

Given ClassA and SubclassA, if I use Google Guice to bind ClassA to SubclassA then will SubclassA be injected as an instance where ClassA gets called?

Say I am given a scenario like this: @Data public class ClassA { private final String name = "ClassA"; public ClassA(){ //This constructor gets

What's the minimum I have to do to propagate changes from a node.js file: dependency?

I have a project structure like this: main depends on file:../lib1 which depends on file:../common main depends on file:../lib2 which depends on file:../common

Cannot access 'java.lang.Object' which is a supertype of... Check your module classpath for missing or conflicting dependencies

I thought it would be fun and informative to learn more about static code analysis by implementing my own custom linter. I've been trying to declare the below d

Gradle Implementation vs API configuration

I'm trying to figure out what is the difference between api and implementation configuration while building my dependencies. In the documentation, it says that

"apt upgrade -y" Not working in kali linux (The following packages have unmet dependencies)

While updating kali machine the following error will shown Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree... Done Reading state information... Done You

Swift Package Manager dependencies won't build: "Showing All Errors Only Command CompileSwiftSources failed with a nonzero exit code"

For some reason whenever I try to update my dependencies through SPM I get build errors. Others on my team can fetch fine, for some reason I have a hexed machin

Fixing import cycle in Go

So I have this import cycle which I'm trying to solve. I have this following pattern: view/ - view.go action/ - action.go - register.go And the general idea

How to turn off project facets on eclipse?

I was trying to resolve a problem in my eclipse so I clicked on : Propreties -> Project Facets -> Click on the link Now I have a new view of Project Fa

sass version is incompatible

I have problems with my code. I installed dependencies one by one, but the last of them was sass. I need or better to say I have to install node-sass version ^4

What are dependencies in android?

What are dependencies ? Why do we add dependencies ? I searched a lot but could not find the answers to above questions.

Can conda perform an install whilst minimally updating dependencies?

The conda install man page says Conda attempts to install the newest versions of the requested packages. To accomplish this, it may update some packages tha

Error in using table_calendar: ^3.0.5 dependency in flutter

I get this error in my code where I used a table_calendar dependency. Here is my code where I implemented the calendar. import 'package:fitr/reusable_widgets/bo

npm equivalent of yarn install --check-files (or yarn check)

Update for 2020 This question originally referred to the yarn check command, but the docs state that this is deprecated in v1, and removed in v2, and yarn insta

Problem after adding external dependencies in IntelliJ

I'm starting a project using the KorGE library, and I would like to use Retrofit as XML parser. So I try to follow this guide, which seems fine, but I just poor

is there a yarn alternative for npm audit?

need pinned resolution feature of yarn, but also want to audit with npm audit? Is there a yarn alternative to npm audit? Or, alternately, will pinning resolutio

Google Cloud Functions sometimes doesn't find @google-cloud/* dependencies although the buildpack builds and runs fine in Docker on local

I am deploying a Google Cloud function and it fails to deploy because it sometimes doesn't find the module @google-cloud/pubsub and when it finds it, it instead

Fix the upstream dependency conflict installing NPM packages

Trying to npm install vue-mapbox mapbox-gl and I'm getting a dependency tree error. I'm running Nuxt SSR with Vuetify, and haven't installed anything related to