Category "dataweave"

How to extract a nested array value frm XML in DataWeave and convert to CSV

I am getting this value from the database <row> <file_data>One</file_data> <time_inserted>2019-01-30T10:29:20.543</time_inserted>

How to iterate over the fault message in Mule 4

In my case, I tried to convert the below Mule Expression Language (MEL) script to DataWeave 2.0. MEL script on Mule 3: import java.util.Iterator; import org.dom

Access FlowVar dynamically in DataWeave

I'm trying to access a FlowVar name dynamically in DataWeave. For example: I have a flowVars named taxInfo123. This is a linked list and my applicant.Applican

Mulesoft : HTML to JSON conversion?

Is it possible to convert an html input to JSON using mulesoft? For my case specifically, I am trying to convert an HTML table to JSON arrays. Input: <ta

Looping using dataweave

my input xml: <Root> <Element> <Record att="a">value</Record> <Record att="b">value</Record>

Mulesoft dataweave streaming behaviour in case of objects

I've been trying to understand dataweave streaming in case collections and object. In case of collections it works as expected for example in the below paylod [