Category "data.table"

R data.table struggling with conditional subsetting when column name is predefined elsewhere

Let's say I have a data table library(data.table) DT <- data.table(x=c(1,1,0,0),y=c(0,1,2,3)) column_name <- "x" x y 1: 1 0 2: 1 1 3: 0 2 4: 0 3 And

Making a while loop more efficient for use on a large data.table to delete rows based on certain conditions

I have a pretty big amount of data in a data table. I would like to delete a number of rows if there is a certain value in a cell. Below is an excerpt from my d

R - Data.table - Using variable column names in RHS operations

How do I use variable column names on the RHS of := operations? For example, given this data.table "dt", I'd like to create two new columns, "first_y" and "firs

Combination of all pairs of rows using R

Here is my dataset: data <- read.table(header = TRUE, text = " group index group_index x y z a 1 a1 12 13 14 a 2 a2

data.table join with date

hello im trying to extract some id with a group and Date in range > d1 id group Date 1: 1 A 2017-07-02 2: 2 A 2017-07-04 3: 3 A

fread does not read character vector

I am trying to download a list using R with the following code: name <- paste0("") master

How to map values from a data.table to a data.table (R)

I have two map/data.tables. One consists of key-values and another one just of some keys. I want to map the values from the first map to the keys of the second.

Taking only the maximum values of duplicate IDs for all columns of a data frame in R

I have data frame of 24525 rows and 22 columns. Last column is the ID column, other are numeric. Number of unique IDs is 18414 and some IDs are repeated more th

dcast warning: ‘Aggregation function missing: defaulting to length’

My df looks like this: Id Task Type Freq 3 1 A 2 3 1 B 3 3 2 A 3 3 2 B 0 4 1 A 3 4 1

Trying to be benchmark dplyr vs data.table

Why does this code not work? How can I benchmark these to expressions? library(data.table) library(dplyr) dt <- (lb <- bench::mar