Category "cucumber-java"

Is additional context configuration required when upgrading cucumber-jvm from version 4 to version 6?

I am using cucumber-jvm to perform some functional tests in Kotlin. I have the standard empty runner class: @RunWith(Cucumber::class) @CucumberOptions(features=

How to read csv file based on scenario outline

I am using cucumber and trying to read row from my csv file based on scenario name. Feature file : Scenario Outline: Verify content of my probblem1 S

I am getting in Cucumber Java

My Feature file - Feature: Open google page @Sanity Scenario: Open google search Given User open google search Then enter text "hi" in search bar

Error running Cucumber tests with Gradle in IntelliJ Error

I got subject error when run cucumber api tests with Gradle via IntelliJ. Same error when runing commandline as well with gradlew cucumber ( Below is my edit co

@CucumberOptions in cucumber-junit-platform-engine

I'm trying to migrate my cucumber tests from cucumber-junit to cucumber-junit-platform-engine to be able to use new platform features. How do I redefine my runn