Category "cucumber"

"How to execute a whole scenario with 5 steps before some particular scenarios in cucumber"

"Can i execute a specific scenario that is having suppose 5 steps before some specific scenaros in Cucumber? Suppose i have a feature file that contains 3 sce

Is additional context configuration required when upgrading cucumber-jvm from version 4 to version 6?

I am using cucumber-jvm to perform some functional tests in Kotlin. I have the standard empty runner class: @RunWith(Cucumber::class) @CucumberOptions(features=

After updating cucumber-groovy I get "Access to 'PickleStepTestStep' exceeds its access rights"

After updating cucumber-groovy from version 4.7.1 to 6.1.2 I started getting an error Access to 'PickleStepTestStep' exceeds its access rights. In old version i

How to read csv file based on scenario outline

I am using cucumber and trying to read row from my csv file based on scenario name. Feature file : Scenario Outline: Verify content of my probblem1 S

How to automatic load .feature files

Here is an example of the (react) architecture. src/ components/ Input/ Tests/ Input.feature Input.test.js We test with react testing library and

Trying to upload image using Karate REST API tool

I m trying to upload two images in the post method, like this but it's returning this error, the api didn't receive the uploads images I want to know how is t

Is it possible to execute cucumber scenario's in parallel on different browsers(chrome and firefox) at same time?

I succeeded to run cucumber scenario's in parallel but only on one browsertype(chrome or firefox). So first I run my tests on chrome. When tests finish I start

Could not resolve version conflict among [io.cucumber:cucumber-core:jar:7.3.4 -> io.cucumber:messages:jar:18.0.0

I have included all the jars in the POM file as follows: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project xmlns="" xml

Is it possible for TestNg to show Cucumber Steps (And Hooks)

I have a project with Gradle + Cucumber + TestNG + Spring. Everything is with last versions and runs smooth. The only problem I have is when I run tests from th

Converting Datatable to object with null values

Hi Everyone just wondering if I am following best practices here. I have step defintions like the following public class StepDefinitions { @DataTableType

Cucumber: Can't convert DataTable to List<java.lang.String>. There was a table cell converter but the table was too wide to use it

Feature file: Scenario: Login to application Given I open my application And I login with following credentials | admin | pass1234 | StepDefs: @When("^I lo

BeforeEach step is repeated with cy.session using cypress-cucumber-preprocessor

I have a Cypress project where I use the Cypress session API to maintain a session throughout features. Now I try switching from the deprecated Klaveness Cypres

protractor, on login form sendkeys() are not working. Browser don't displays my value for the form fields

(I'm not using jQuery) Hi! I'm starting with protractor and cucumber and i'm testing a login page. I'm trying to insert values on a form for the login, but when

Why wont my if statements work in cypress?

I'm trying to write a test that goes back in a calendar to look for a specific date to click. I have come up with an IF statement that should loop to the next m

Parallel tests in Android with cucumber, appium and testNG in java

I have 5 real devices in which I want to execute 20 tests, for example: 4 tests in each device in parallel, that is, in device 1 test 1 is executed, when the te

Cucumber: custom serializer instead GherkinSerializer

I using Cucumber and need to customize some methods of GherkinSerializer that is by default. Is there is way to set by default my custom Serializer instead of G

Why isn't Cucumber considered as a testing tool? [closed]

I'm new to Cucumber, and I'm trying to understand the tool. While reading the documentation, I found that it is defined shortly as "a tool tha

Does if else concept available in feature file (Gherkin language)?

Is there anyway where we can use if/else concept in feature file? For example: Scenario: User should be able to check login page Given I am on login page

BDD Cucumber test management tool

Is there an open source tool available to control the running of BDD cucumber tests? We are developing BDD cucumber tests and would like the option to control

How to config multiple env files to run for multiple user roles in WebDriver IO?

I am using Webdriver IO Framework with Cucumber and Page Object Model. I am able to setup multiple env files and run tests again each environment and it works.