Category "consul"

Convert async function consul.kv.get to sync function with deasync

I am trying to convert an async function consul.kv.get to a sync version of the same function. Searching led me to deasync and it's documentation suggests I sho

Access consul-api from consul-connect-service-mesh

In a consul-connect-service-mesh (using k8) how do you get to the consul-api itself? For example to access the consul-kv. I'm working through this tutorial, and

Docker container sending request to http

Hi I have a question. I am using docker compose ver3 and consul image as container, on my host machine I have a simple service that should response to http re

Connect consul agent to consul

I'm trying to setup the consul server and connect an agent to it for 2 or 3 days already. I'm using docker-compose. But after performing a join operation, agen