Category "coffeescript"

Node.JS Video Upload

Can anyone help me with video upload in Node.JS? Currently, I am using the express-fileupload module for uploading a video it works fine till 70MB but when the

How to see what states are configured in AngularJS / UI-Router?

Is there a way to see all of the states that have been set on $stateProvider? In this case, I would like my state assignments to be distributed across many fil

Is it possible to define an infix function?

Is it possible to define my own infix function/operator in CoffeeScript (or in pure JavaScript)? e.g. I want to call a foo b or a `foo` b instead of

MS Teams Bot framework: Mentions break Markdown

Currently working with handling the custom bot framework, and having an issue where there's a mention included with a markdown formatted message. res.json({