Category "classloader"

Re-installing maven dependency project causes NoClassDefFoundError in already running application

Let's say I have a very simple maven project ProjA which has no dependencies itself. This project ProjA has classes X and Y as follows: class X package proja;

Load Spring Boot Classes in ClassLoader

I need to read a Spring Boot jar and load all the clases on a ClassLoader. My problem,in spring boot classes are on "/BOOT-INF/classes" directory and not on t

My resource does not load - "Input stream must not be null"

I read ~4 Stackoverflow Posts (1, 2) already, and did everything like it was explained there, but I get a NullPointerException while I try to load an Image. Ex

Getting `java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.commons.pool.PoolableObjectFactory` when using Java reflection

I am trying to invoke a function using java reflection. My initial program is written in Ballerina which is given below. import ballerina/http; function __getQ