Category "chromium"

How to automate the setting of Google as default search engine in Microsoft Edge (Chromium based) via PowerShell?

I would like to automate an operation of setting Google as a default search engine in Microsoft Edge (Chromium based) via PowerShell in non-corporate deployment

Cypress: How to visit a url of a different origin?

I'm new to cypress and have ran into an issue. I have my base URL set to the domain I want to test, the issue is when I want to test the ability to login on my

Message: unknown error: cannot parse internal JSON template: Line: 1, column: 1, Unexpected token

options = webdriver.ChromeOptions() options.add_argument("user-data-dir=C:\\Users\\jack_l\\AppData\\Local\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data") options.add_argument(r'-

Selenium Chromedriver hangs at browser initialisation (browser = webdriver.Chrome()) w. Python on Raspberrry Pi3 / or crashes :c

Hello! I am not able to format below code as code lol: from selenium import webdriver browser = webdriver.Chrome() When doing this; I am getting: Traceback (mos

How to use Edge Chromium webdriver "unknown error: cannot find MSEdge binary"

I am trying to use the WebDriver for the Edge Chromium version with PostMan, but I cannot make it work. WebDriver Download:

Moving an application from Windows and WebView2 to OSX and Chromium; how do I get started?

I'm looking to port an application, currently on Windows and using WebView2 for the front end, to OSX and Chromium. I know next to nothing about either WebView

How can I check if a browser is Chromium-based?

I have a Chrome extension, and I am currently writing a website to advertise it. I know that a Chrome extension can be installed in all Chromium-based browsers

selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: unknown error: DevToolsActivePort file doesn't exist with chromium browser and Selenium Python

I want to run selenium through chromium. I wrote this code: from selenium import webdriver from import Options options = Optio

GNOME Shell integration extension is running, native host connector is not detected?

I have followed these steps while installing the gnome extension of chromium in Ubuntu 20.04. Installed the GNOME Shell integration extension on chromium. As p

HTTP requests stuck in Pending state when using Vite

I have a rather large Vue 3 application (~550 components). It takes two minutes just to run vue-cli-service serve and around 20 seconds to re-build it after eac

Puppeeteer hangs when multiple instances of node are run

We have a node application which will launch a web application using puppeteer and take multiple screen shots to create a pdf file. This node application is lau

Official locator strategies for the webdriver

In the official W3C webdriver documentation, it's clearly stated that the location strategies are: State Keyword -------------------------

Web application freezes due to unknown System 'Task' (Chrome 101.0.4951.54 / Edge 101.0.1210.3)

Since versions Chrome 101.0.4951.54 / Edge 101.0.1210.3 our web application is freezing while clicking around. Performance analysis in both browsers give no ind

Web application freezes due to unknown System 'Task' (Chrome 101.0.4951.54 / Edge 101.0.1210.3)

Since versions Chrome 101.0.4951.54 / Edge 101.0.1210.3 our web application is freezing while clicking around. Performance analysis in both browsers give no ind

Chromium Auto Refresh command line

Using a digital signage setup on my raspberry pi with raspian OS. Currently have the webpage displayed and full screen however, after 20 minutes it stops reload

Disk usage is increasing with puppeteer - chromium installed using snap

I have installed chromium using snap install chromium on my Ubuntu server with Arm cpu because when I wanted to install puppeteer using npm it throwed errors, I

Changing user-agent on puppeteer-extra doesn't seem to take affect

I'm trying to scrape different websites using puppeteer. As I'm using puppeteer-extra for that (for their stealth-plugin), I've decided to use their anonymize-u

Selenium WebDriverException: DevToolsActivePort file doesn't exist (Chromium browser)

I've seen the DevToolsActivePort error come up in a couple of StackOverflow posts, but not of the fixes for those have worked for me. I'm using a Chromium brows

Javascript .toLocaleString() returns wrong month?

I’m at a loss here. I need to display a JavaScript date in my locale, but the displayed locale string is off by 1 month in the future. <!DOCTYPE html&

How to detect Blink in Chrome

Is there any way to detect that the user is coming with Blink or Webkit powered Chrome engine? By the way i'm also curious about if i can check somewhere if my