Category "cheerio"

Cheerio find child with class that starts with string

Currently I have an object which has a lot of children. I can find a particular child using: $(elem).find('.animal-type').text(); However, some of the animal

Cheerio: Add Link To Text

Using Cheerio, I'm trying to search an HTML for certain text and add a link to it only if it is not linked already. For example: <div> <p> this is a

Cheerio: Add Link To Text

Using Cheerio, I'm trying to search an HTML for certain text and add a link to it only if it is not linked already. For example: <div> <p> this is a

Cheerio `this` object in TypeScript make "TS2683: 'this' implicitly has type 'any' because it does not have a type annotation."

I'm using Cheerio in a Typescript project to scrape a HTML page. But I don't understand how to solve the issue : TS2683: 'this' implicitly has type 'any' becaus

Returned null response from Unirest block

I am trying to scrape a google search results with Unirest and Cheerio . So here I am trying to get this scraped titles array . But when I console it outside it

Web Scrape pagination in a single URL (cheerio and axios)

newbie here. I was on web scraping project. And I wanted some guide on web scraping pagination technique. I'm scraping this site

cheerio fetch tr:nth-child() length for iteration

All, I am using cheerio package for web scraping, cheerio tr selector as below. i want to find length of x to iterate body > table > tbody > tr:nth-chi