Category "cancellation"

How to cancel an entire redux saga chain from the leaf node

We have multiple sagas (ex: loadSampleData and loadCustomSampleData) that can be triggered by multiple different actions and can have multiple in-flight request

Order cancellation from customer interface in shopify

How can put an option to cancel an order from the customer interface or after the customer logins in his account in shopify? I'm not sure if this is possible, I

How can I clear notification?

I have to hide a notification when a timer is cancelling. I instantiate a notification manager and use myNotificationManager.cancelAll(); but it doesn't work.

How can I clear notification?

I have to hide a notification when a timer is cancelling. I instantiate a notification manager and use myNotificationManager.cancelAll(); but it doesn't work.

Stop Parallel.ForEachAsync

In C#, I am interested in stopping a Parallel.ForEachAsync loop (considering the differences between Stop and Break); for Parallel.ForEach I can do the followin

SignalR: Cancellation in Case of Client to Server Streaming makes code buggy in case of dotnet client

I’m trying to send a stream from client to server from a dotnet client to another dotnet server through sending an invocation to a method on server hub as