Category "caching"

Trigger Guava cache refresh when a table is updated

Presently am fectching the list of clients from db using ClientDAO.getClients() and caching using guava with 30 minutes refresh period as below private List<

Data caching with ClickHouse

Intro I have ClickHouse as data warehouse (tables with billions of rows). Users interact with the DWH using my application backend that generates SQL queries to

DependencyException: Failed to find provider with satisfied dependency set for interface

I have an app that uses EHCache, it worked when using Payara Application server version 1.0.5 but after upgrading to 1.1.0 it started breaking. Here's a snippet

Accessing caches on a html page?

When I try to open console on my domain's index.html and try to access caches on Latest Chrome it gives me caches VM1520:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: caches is n

Remove specific part of a value in flask cache after certain time

I am dealing with a use case where in i want to delete certain part of a key's value I am using Cache from flask_caching reference - https://flask-caching.readt

how many number of Cache misses can occur in given c code

Suppose we have two 2-dimensional arrays m and n, and consider the following C code. int m[4][4]; int n[4][4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) for (int j

NGINX Reverse Proxy - Preload the cache

NGINX Reverse Proxy is working well. Using the cache it's possible to store static content on every Reverse Proxy to reduce traffic on the main server. I can se

htaccess: mod_expires.c except one or multiple folders

To the following browser caching via mod_expires.c in the .htaccess... <IfModule mod_expires.c> ExpiresActive On ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 day" </I

CACHE_TRANSIENT is the default caching method in Timber. What does it actualy mean?

Performance/Caching section of the docs isn't clear enough. It says that the default caching mode is Timber\Loader::CACHE_TRANSIENT , but there's no explanation

Cache Simulator in C - Why am I getting a 'hit' every time?

I am writing a simple cache simulation in c. I'm somewhat of a noob when it comes to c but I have the program almost entirely working I think. For some reason i

python: clear / reset `@lru_cache` functool caching with every pytest testcase for undisturbed mocking

I combine mocking and caching in my code. The mocking is (kind of) random for each pytest as I do not know exactly, what will be returned in the real case. Henc

Cache data in Shiny Server on Docker

I am currently trying to implement caching on my dockerized shiny app, but i am facing troubles, the app doesn't work and there's no log to trace the problem: S

How to prevent refresh of a Superset dashboard when opening it

I'm new to Superset and I don't know how to prevent my dashboard from refreshing every time it is opened. I don't need it because in the database I'm using the

Failed when put cache to file in laravel

When i run Cache::put('max_age','100',60)); Then the error said that file_put_contents(storage/framework/cache/data/8f/87/8f87426f74633c0fa8f717150f13e8fc04

Nginx: In which order rate limiting and caching are executed?

I want to use nginx for rate limiting and caching. In which order nginx applies them? In other words, is it limiting only request to the upstream server or al

Caching images in expo is thowing Failed to load assets error in production

This is my code to cache all the images in my local folder. I'm prefetching all the images and after that resolving the promise. But this always results in "Fa

Caching images in expo is thowing Failed to load assets error in production

This is my code to cache all the images in my local folder. I'm prefetching all the images and after that resolving the promise. But this always results in "Fa

Avoid ConcurrentModificationException on java stream using cache

I'm getting occasionally ConcurrentModificationException with the following code: public Set<MyObject> getTypes(Set<Type> names) { Set<My

Getting old cache view when there is PHP errors in controller - Laravel 5.6

I have a strange problem. I am using Laravel 5.6, When there is a PHP error or Laravel error (E_NOTICE, E_WARNING etc) in my controller then instead of throwing

Message 'Caching failed for pack: Error: Unable to snapshot resolve dependencies' when creating a nextjs application

I tried to create a nextjs application; when i run npm run dev, i got the following error message: <w> [webpack.cache.PackFileCacheStrategy] Caching faile