Category "c++14"

Lvalue-to-rvalue conversion for class types: is there copying involved?

(I asked this question before but didn't give a viable example so I deleted previous one. I hope on this one I got the example right.) Case: #include <iostre

How to avoid the need to specify deleter for std::shared_ptr every time it's constructed or reset?

std::unique_ptr has 2 template parameters, the second of which is the deleter to be used. Thanks to this fact, one can easily alias a unique_ptr to a type, whic

The procedure entry point _ZNSt7_cxx1112basic_stringlcSt11char_traitslcESalcEEC1Ev could not be located in the dynamic link library

I am having immense difficulty trying to use std::string. The program compiles absolutely fine, but when I run the program, I receive this error: error I have

Algorithm to convert std::stack to std::string in C++ STL

In below C++ program I'm deleting a previous character considering '#' as a backspace character. I have used stack to build the string. Is there any C++ STL alg

Basic forward list using unique_ptrs

As an exercise in learning C++, I want to build my own forward list using raw pointers and using unique_ptrs. Using raw pointers, I have: struct node_raw {

How undefined are __builtin_ctz(0) or __builtin_clz(0)?

Background For a long time, gcc has been providing a number of builtin bit-twiddling functions, in particular the number of trailing and leading 0-bits (also f