Category "browser"

DOM Parser Chrome extension memory leak

The problem I have developed an extension that intercepts web requests, gets the HTML the web request originated from and processes it. I have used the DOMParse

warning after login .how to solve this error?

Cannot update a component (BrowserRouter) while rendering a different component (Login). To locate the bad setState() call inside Login, follow the stack trace

Do web workers allow you to go over the browser http connection limit?

There are a few questions on SO related to web worker http limits, including: Http connection limit on webworker or service worker, Maximum number of http reque

How to close Microsoft Edge browser's current tab from command prompt?

>start microsoft-edge: Its opened in edge browser new tab. Now I want to close. Here I am using stop but its not working. > with noopener opening URL in new window despite target=_self

I'm trying to open a window using noopener property and target=_self. Essentially what I want is to open the URL in the same tab while preventing it to have acc

Observing DOM changes, Specifically input value change using Plain JavaScript [duplicate]

I have a certain requirement where I want to be notified about all changes in HTML input on a page specifically value of all input elements on

How to solve "No compatible browser found" error in Okta login?

While trying to login into the OKTA login page, the android device is giving this error, And the login fails. D/MainActivity: null onError AuthorizationExce

I see some big company using firefox version 45.x.x to connect to their vpn, is there any concern of doing this? [closed]

why not just use usual vpn tools? like outline or openvpn or any else, is there any security concern? and of course that's an old version of f

Ask user for permission to autoplay videos on website

I'm building a small video-oriented course platform, it will be constructed as one issue/problem topic = one video regarding that issue. All that topics will be

Open play store app from browser link

From this post I was able to create a functionality to redirect user to android or ios from a single link. However, on detection of Android I want to open the p

Audio not playing in Angular 7

I'm doing a big Angular 7 project for myself and I want some background music in it. So I use this: <audio id="audio" *ngIf="ship.dock != true" autoplay="t

mailto: links in Opera GX

I've been trying to put my own mailto: link on default, for me to click it and instantly move to composing the email. In Opera GX there is no setting for that.

How to auto focus browser tab when clicking on browser notification in Chrome?

I am trying to setup browser notification for a project I'm working on. The code I have so far is: // Notification permissions logic handled before... var noti

How can I retain the scroll position of a scrollable area when pressing back button?

I have a long list of links inside a big scrollable div. Each time when a user click on a link then click the back button, it starts at the very top of the div.

How to add a chrome web browser control to my application in visual basic

i want to add a google chrome control to my application because internet explorer control isnt very good.It shows the web pages wrong etc.Some help please

How to add a chrome web browser control to my application in visual basic

i want to add a google chrome control to my application because internet explorer control isnt very good.It shows the web pages wrong etc.Some help please

How to send Authorization header with browser

I have implemented a web server which uses Basic authentication(using spring security). I disabled the default authentication entry point when accessing a UR

Deep linking not working in chrome mobile browser

I am facing issue of deeplink. We have created a deep link for mobile application post but at google chrome mobile browser, its not opening the app screen. I sa

How to add favicon image on browser title bar in website

I am trying this code <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <link href="<?php ec

How to change the "Browse" button text

I need to change the "Browse" button text according to the locale in a JSP. (Ex. Russian , Portuguese) for a Spring based project. Following is the current imp