Category "bottomnavigationview"

I want to hide my appBarLayout and BottomNavigationView on scroll of fragment recycler?

I want to hide my appBarLayout and BottomNavigationView at the same time when I scroll up the recycler and show again when I scroll down the recycler. In my cas

Bottom Navigation bar moves up with keyboard

I am using scroll view in a fragment but the screen does not scroll up when the keyboard is shown as it should be. Here is the scenario: I have mainActivity wh

How to programmatically select BottomNavigationBar Tab in Flutter instead of built in onTap callback?

I have been working with BottomNavigationBar in the flutter, but I am not able to select a Tab programmatically outside of onTap callback of BottomNavigationBar

Style BottomNavigationBar in Flutter

I am trying out Flutter and I am trying to change the colour of the BottomNavigationBar on the app but all I could achieve was change the colour of the BottomNa

When I Navigate through Nav Bar sometimes the page is all White

When I Navigate through Nav Bar sometimes the page is Blank, i'm using Persistent bottom nav bar v2 as plugin, i don't know if it's a bug of the plugin but basi

Display badge on top of bottom navigation bar's icon

I have implemented the bottom navigation view in my app and I have looked every where to display badges on top of the icons like this I was wondering whether th

Remove BottomNavigationView labels

Google released new support library v25 with BottomNavigationView is there any way to remove items labels ?

State of nested Fragments is lost when returned to same tab in 'Navigation Architecture Component'

I'm exploring the the 'Navigation Architecture Component' concept which introduced in Google I/O 2018 last month. Let say I have an activity with a bottom nav

Strange empty bar above fragment on BottomNavigationView

This is how it is supposed to look: This is how it looks: Strange white space appears

Android clear backstack after reselecting Bottom Navigation tab

Using the newest Navigation Component with the BottomNavigationView, the NavController now saves and restores the states of tabs by default: As part of this ch

How to programmatically change Bottom Navigation View's Icons?

I want know how can I change Bottom Navigation View's Icons when user basically selects it and then again replace it with previous icon if user selects differen

How to add dividers in Bottom Navigation View

I'm trying to add divider in menu items of BottomNavigationView All items are showing horizontally in the bottom but I'm not able to add dividers into it. Bot

Clear state for fragment when using bottom navigation

We have implemented bottom navigation as described here: