Category "bootstrap-5"

Vue3: How to get error messages with Bootstrap and VeeValidate 4?

I want to use vue3 together with bootstrap 4/5 with veevalidate 4. <template> <Form as="form" @submit.prevent="onFormSubmit" class="needs-validation" :

trouble showing desired checkbox validation state w/ bootstrap5 for django model form w/ m2m field and checkboxselectmultiple widget

I have a checkboxselectmultiple on an m2m model field in an ModelForm that is required - meaning at least one of the choices must be selected. I am using the b

Update From Bootstrap 3.7 to 5.0.2 in .net mvc producing Error- System.NullReferenceException

I uninstalled the basic bootstrap template that comes with .net MVC Application and installed the bootstrap 5.0.2 from NuGetPackage Manager. Now I am Encounteri

Multiple Carousels per Page Bootstrap 5

I'm having trouble getting multiple Bootstrap carousels to function properly on one page. I know that Bootstrap says to set unique IDs for each new carousel, bu

Some Bootstrap 5 colors are not working compled with Laravel Mix

I am integrating Bootstrap 5 into my Laravel project. I installed Bootstrap with NPM and complied with Laravel Mix, and it's working. However, some extra colors

Why both `stylesheet_link_tag` and `stylesheet_pack_tag` are needed to install bootstrap?

I have gone through this article to install bootstrap in ruby-on-rails app. And I noticed that there are stylesheet_link_tag and stylesheet_pack_tag for css. I

bootstrap 5 dropdown-menu navbar streches strangly when hover on dropdown-ul-items

My bootstrap dropdown Navbar menu acts strangely on small screens. As shown n the images below, hovering above dropdown menus pushes the other UL section below

how to align the form to the right? [closed]

i am tying to have the h3 aligned with the form so the form goes to the right and the h3 to the left and both of them to be centered ? <

How to change "Choose file" text using Bootstrap 5

Is it impossible change choose file text of input file in Bootstrap 5 using CSS like Bootstrap 4? And how can I add a margin to "No file chosen"?

Bootstrap5.1.0 Navigation Bar collapse not shown up in mobile phone screen

I just did a simple test on Navbar with Bootstrap5.1.0 in I have already chosen the Bootstrap5.1.0 as my framework. I wrote the following codes: &l

Content Security Policy violation with Bootstrap 5

I have a site using Bootstrap 5 that includes the following input tag: <input class="form-check-input ms-1" id="validated" name="validated" type="checkbox" c

How can I set Bootstrap 5's CSS variables using :root?

I have a Bootstrap 5 application that consumes a bunch of web components and all of the components use Bootstrap 5. I need to customize the theme on the fly ins

How to get the activated tab?

With bootstrap 5, I was never able to get the activated tab. according to their website I just get the ID of the first button, not the activated tab and nothing

How to wrap text around image in Bootstrap 5

I want my text to wrap around my image. Right now I'm using the Bootstrap 5 grid system. But this is not giving me the result I want. I've tried using 'float: r

Eye in password field does not appear using bootstrap 5

When using Bootstrap v5 and FontAwesome v5, I cannot get get the eyeball to appear to the right side of the form. Instead, it pulls the password field further t

MVC 5 @Scripts.Render("~/bundles/bootstrap") error 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.'

_Layout.cshtml file fails when attempting to render the bootstrap 5 script bundle (works for earlier versions of bootstrap) Bundle.Config File _Layout Debugging

Custom responsive navbar (priority nav) using Bootstrap 5 and no JQuery

Trying to create a Bootstrap 5 custom responsive navbar (priority nav) with a "show More..." option using Vanilla JS, as I have dozens of menu-items and I can't

Bootstrap 5: Can not use utilities

I have updated my project from Bootstrap 4.5 to Bootstrap 5. I did this by simply overwriting all the old bootstrap files with npm install bootstrap@next. Now I

bootstrap 5 navbar offcanvas

I got the code below from the official bootstrap 5 demos and for the life of me, can't figure out how to move the off-canvas menu from Left-to-Right. The docume

Error message color on input validation using jquery-validation and bootstrap 5

Edited: I am using jquery-validation and bootstrap 5 to validate the form and show errors messages. When I hit login without email AND password the input field