Category "bootstrap-4"

Bootstrap Select Editable Combobox Hack

How can I let my users add their own options to bootstrap-select? Hello. After spending some time trying to find a simple solution that works with bootstrap 4 s

Bootstrap 4 - Make a Table Header Sticky

I have a simple Bootstrap 4 Table and would now like to make the header fixed/sticky so that it doesn't scroll as it contains a lot of rows. I've found several

I want to do Triangle-like Carousel but How? [duplicate]

How can reach info for this shaped carousel I searched "triangle carousel", "pointy carousel", "sharp carousel" and found nothing

Navbar not expanding to fill width of page

I am making a website and I want it to look nice when being used on mobile. However, I can't figure out to eliminate the excess white space on the right of the

How to auto populate preferredCountries from intl-tel-input with db output

I would like to populate the preferredCountries:["xx","yy","zz"] with a function that fetches the most used country codes from a mysql db and list them highest

How to navigate to specific tab of bootstrap 4 from external link

I want to open a specific tab of bootstrap 4 from external page link . Page 1: nav.html I want to go from this page one to second page <!DOCTYPE html> &

is there a way to prevent repeating code in html I'm using bootstrap 4 collapse like 20 times in one page

<div class="card" style> <div class="card-header" id="headingOne"> <h5 class="mb-0"> <button class="btn btn-lin

Error: argument `$color-2` of `mix($color-1, $color-2, $weight: 50%)` must be a color when compile my own bootstrap theme

i try to build my own theme. i change color theme to my style. but i got error when compile my own theme, this is my theme was created. // 1. core variables an

Step progress bar not working horizontal in mobile

I am trying to implement the step progress bar and I have done the below for the desktop version. Photo who works on the desktop like Desktop Version When I try

Why does in Bootstrap 4 not put the col-4 in a row?

I can't figure out why the col-4 doesn't work to have all 3 items in a row <footer> <div class="row"> <div cl

Feather Icon not working in Bootstrap Modal

Version: [email protected], Bootstrap v4.3.1 using C# RazorPage, I am currently trying to build an web app. The feather icons work fine on n

Bootstrap datetimepicker not working inside Bootstrap Modal

I am facing issue in showing bootstrap's datetimepicker inside modal. I want to make form inside the modal on which I need a datetimepicker to pick date and tim

Bootstrap get priority over my CSS - with correct implementation order

I've linked bootstrap's css file first. I've linked my css file second. Why does bootstrap gets priority over my css?? I've played with the file order, there

Using Bootstrap Icons in Rails 6 with Webpacker

I wanted to use Bootstrap icons in beta "Official open source SVG icon library for Bootstrap." This is for Bootstrap 4 in Rails

How to affect the directive children using @HostBinding?

I'm implementing a bootsrap's single button dropdown (docs). In order to make it to be "open", it must add a show class to main <div> and to the <ul>

Text alignment doesnt work on mobile [CSS]

I have a weird problem with text alignment which I never had before. On this app: two sections of text doesn't get

Close Bootstrap Card Container

I have a card container in my code. I have added a 'close' button that I want to close the card when I click it. I am unsure how to make this work and I've been

need help centering bootstrap carousel image

I am having trouble making the image centered in the slider. Please see my carousel here it is creat

Can I use React Bootstrap with Next.js?

Does anyone know if you can use react-bootstrap with Next.js? I am using the latest versions of both, I can provide code at this point, but right now my app is

Bootstrap 4 - Reboot.scss overriding Global.scss

I am using Sage Starter Theme and I am adding some CSS to style the links globally in the _global.scss file. Some of the CSS properties are being overridden by