Category "blazor-server-side"

ITrackingConsentFeature not working in production

I have a cookie consent banner in my blazor server app, everything works well when building in debug mode, but when I push it into production I get a "Object re

Blazor-server-side can't see GLTF files

i have my blazor app hosted on azure with iis got some GLTF file i want to access with three.js but its like my app can't see any of my GLTF files. i have added

Add route parameter to Blazor server app's index page

I'm developing a Blazor Server app using .NET 6.0. I would like for the index page to utilize a route parameter: @page "/{vendorId}" @functions { [Paramet

Error: System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: Response status code does not indicate success: 405 (Method Not Allowed)

I am getting following exception when calling an Asp.NET Core 3.1 web api from a Blazor app. But same code works great from visual studio debugging Response sta

Embedding a Leaflet map on a Blazor SPA

How to Embed a Leaflet map on a Blazor SPA, using JSInterop, what objects should be defined, and how to pass data that represents the location clicked on the ma

Problems using Microsoft Identity Web App and Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity in the same Web Project

In my currently application I need to use two different authentications: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity - with internal Identity tables for Customer users Micros

Why is my Blazor Server App waiting to render until data has been retrieved, even when using async?

I'm building a Blazor Server app using .NET 6. As an example I have a list of customers that I retrieve from a Sqlite db using Entityframework Core. I want to s

Blazor Attempting to reconnect - use web assembly, or...?

I am being plagued with the dreaded "Attempting to reconnect" message. The problem only occurs when the application is published on Azure, never when run locall

How to reset custom validation errors when using editform in blazor razor page

I have an editform using an editcontext: <EditForm OnValidSubmit="HandleValidSubmit" EditContext="_editContext" Context="auth"> <DataAnnotat

Blazor Re-Ordering A list With Drag And Drop

I am learning Blazor having come from a WinForm UWP background. I have a list of Game: public class Game { public string ID { get; set; } public string

Blazor server not scaling (zoomed) on mobile

I made a small sensor application in Blazor server. However, when I view the app on my phone, it shows these scrolling bars (I always need to pinch/zoom out my

Best way to use multiple awaits C# .NET Blazor

In a Blazor app I have a file uploader that can take multiple files. When the user clicked 'upload' I used something like this: private async Task HandleFileUpl

Call method in MainLayout from a page component in Blazor

I have a Blazor app with a MainLayout page, which has a @Body to load the actual page content. In my case Index.razor is loaded inside the MainLayout page. Is

Blazor server app still authorized even after altering cookies

I have tested a sample Blazor server application that uses standard ASP.NET Core Identity and I logged in successfully. But even after I tried to alter the cook

Blazor Server cookie authentication with custom AuthenticationScheme

I'm trying to build custom cookie authentication in my Blazor Server app. It works as long as I use the DefaultAuthenticateScheme like this: builder.Services.Ad

How do I define the SignedOut page in Microsoft.Identity.Web?

I'm successfully signing in and out using Azure AD B2C in a Blazor Server app, but it's not clear to me the proper way to define the SignedOut page. This questi

How to add fonts to a MudTextField with MudBlazor API?

I have this MudBlazor component: <MudTextField @bind-Value="@_presentationSettingsServiceRequest.PostCode" Class="my-2" Variant="Variant.Outlined" AutoFocus=

Blazor Navigation Manager Go Back?

While using blazor, I want to be able to "go back" to a page I was before. I found this issue and looks like it's a dead end? This feature is something so basic

How do I set focus to a text box in Blazor

How do I set focus to a textbox in Blazor? So far the only way we have found is with JavaScript.

onclick method not working in Blazor server-side razor component

I am building a sample razor component, and I can not get my button onclick method to fire. When I click the button nothing happens at all. I have even placed a