Category "bcrypt"

Err:data and salt arguments required

connectde with datadase (mongodatabase) and chik if email == new email! and used bcrypt to do securty password. exports.createNewUser = (username, email, passwo

How to solve "Could not find any Python installation to use" with docker node alpine Image when adding bcrypt to package.json?

Before I added bcrypt to my package.json, everything was working fine. Now, I get the error message below. This is an excerpt of my package.json: "dependenc

How does bcrypt "know" whether a given hash is associated with a given password?

Given a password P and hash H, the function, H) tells you whether or not H is a bcrypt hash of P. Question: How does do the abov

How to disable laravel 5.2 password bcrypt

I want to disable the laravel password bcrypt when I try to log-in like this Auth::guard('client')->attempt( 'id' => $request['id'], 'password' => $re

Password hashing using bcrypt in nodejs

I am using "bcrypt": "^3.0.4" and I have the latest stable version of node. The issue I am facing is when the user attempts to login. With the correct password

bcrypt and postgresql. What data type should be used?

On flask-bcrypt extension, the encrypted string is stored as bytes object like this (with python 3.5): >>> user.password b'$2b$12$3UutBDuGIrxp2z95alVT

bcrypt and postgresql. What data type should be used?

On flask-bcrypt extension, the encrypted string is stored as bytes object like this (with python 3.5): >>> user.password b'$2b$12$3UutBDuGIrxp2z95alVT

use bcrypt() in jquery or javascript

this code is written in validation.js to validate the all laravel change password forms dynamically $.validator.addMethod("matchp", function(value, elem