Category "ballerina"

Ballerina Swan Lake - How to alternatively wait on a dynamic set of Ballerina future values?

I have a requirement of writing a ballerina util function that can alternatively wait on a given set of futures and return the result, where the number of futur

Issues calling Java from Ballerina

This code below for ballerina Java interop is failing to generate the data signature. Can you spot why it is failing on the following line? The code is run with

Issues calling Java from Ballerina

This code below for ballerina Java interop is failing to generate the data signature. Can you spot why it is failing on the following line? The code is run with

Ballerina Swan Lake an IDEs. How to get sequence diagrams

It's me again! After getting help with this question here, I managed writing a little microservice in Ballerina. For that I switched to Swan Lake as recommended

Ballerina Maven Build Fails - toml parser

I checked out Ballerina and built using mvn clean install. I get the following error. [ERROR] Failed to execute goal com.github.spotbugs:spotbugs-maven->plu

Getting `java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.commons.pool.PoolableObjectFactory` when using Java reflection

I am trying to invoke a function using java reflection. My initial program is written in Ballerina which is given below. import ballerina/http; function __getQ