Category "background-process"

Why is my react-native app terminating in the background while recording (iOS, RN 0.63.3, Expo-Av 9.2.3)

Hello I'm having an issue in my React Native app where audio recordings are sometimes mysteriously terminated while the app is in the background. This happens o

Passing django.core.mail.EmailMultiAlternatives instance as async_task with Django-Q

An E-mail template is build-up and send weekly to more than 2000 email recipients (bcc). I must run it as background since it takes few minutes to get rendering

ASP.NET Core IHostedService manual start/stop/pause(?)

I would like to implement a recurring (timed) IHostedService instance in ASPNET Core that can be stopped and started on demand. My understanding is that IHoste

ASP.NET Core IHostedService manual start/stop/pause(?)

I would like to implement a recurring (timed) IHostedService instance in ASPNET Core that can be stopped and started on demand. My understanding is that IHoste

ASP.NET Core IHostedService manual start/stop/pause(?)

I would like to implement a recurring (timed) IHostedService instance in ASPNET Core that can be stopped and started on demand. My understanding is that IHoste

How to run a Mininet CLI command from inside python module

I wrote a python module to generate a random topology using Mininet and connected OpenDayLight as the remote controller. I would like to pass a command to the

Infinite While True Loop in the Background (Python)

basically, I have some code like this: while True: number = int(len(oilrigs)) * 49 number += money time.sleep(1) In front of this I have a start up