Category "azure-data-lake-gen2"

How to open the file on browser instead of downloading in local that is stored in Azure Data lake Gen 2

Currently, I am generating SAS token from Azure file share and trying to access the file. But when I hit that url on browser, file automatically getting downloa

How do I list all paths in Azure data lake gen 2 filtered by last modified date in Azure Data Factory?

We have an Azure Data Lake Gen 2 which contains 100's of thousands of JSON messages that come in on a continuous basis. These files are stored in a folder struc

Synapse external table "Unauthorized"

I have created an external table in Azure Synapse from a parquet file stored in an ADLS Gen2 container. I have used the following three queries to create the da

Apache Iceberg table format to ADLS / azure data lake

I am trying to find some integration to use iceberg table format on adls /azure data lake to perform crud operations. Is it possible to not use any other comput