Category "azure-container-registry"

How can I use a SystemAssigned identity when pulling an image from Azure Container Registry into Azure Container Instances?

I want to create a container (or container group) in Azure Container Instances, pulling the image(s) from Azure Container Registry - but with using a SystemAssi

Build and push a docker image with build arguments from DevOps to ACR

I'm building a docker image in an Azure DevOps pipeline, then I want to push it to the Azure Container registry. The registry is already created and I've config

How to import all images from an ACR repository to another ACR in different tenant

Scenario: I have 4 repos in an ACR(azure container registry) with multiple images in each repo. I want to move all the repos and all images in it to a different

Resolving Azure Container registry images vulnerabilities

I use the following image openjdk:11-jdk as a base image to create an image that just executes a .jar file, but I get the following security warning from Azure

How to call image inspect properties in hosted in ACR

I have few images hosted in ACR, I want to inspect the image (Repository image) deployed in ACR. For example I have one "hello-world" image in "test123" ACR. I

Is it possible to convert the publish method of an App Service from Code to Docker?

I have set up an Azure App Service (Linux) publish method being Code and have set up the appropriate pipeline to build and deploy my code (nodejs). Now I need m

Should we use one Azure Container Registry (ACR) for all the products in development or one ACR per product?

We have started to spin off products off the one big monolith into Azure. A product could also be called a micro service. A question that we have - should we