Category "azure-blob-storage"

Azure Storage restrict access one container only

This is my situation: Two groups in Azure AD. Group 1 can access only container1, but not container2 Group 2 can access only container2, but not container1 To a

How to process a 64 GB CSV file in Pyspark efficiently?

I have a very large CSV file in a blob storage nearly of size 64 GB. I need to do some processing on top of every row and push the data to DB. What should be th

Http 403 server failed to authenticate the request. Make sure the value of Authorization header is formed correctly including the signature

I generated SAS url with below code var blobBuilder = new BlobSasBuilder() { ExpiresOn = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddDays(2),

Read csv from Azure blob Storage and store in a DataFrame

I'm trying to read multiple CSV files from blob storage using python. The code that I'm using is: blob_service_client = BlobServiceClient.from_connection_string

Share volume in docker swarm for many nodes

I'm facing a big challenge. Trying run my app on 2 VPS in docker swarm. Containers that use volumes should use shared volume between nodes. My solution is: Use

How to use "Azure storage blobs" for POST method in controller

I am creating an app where user can upload their text file and find out about its most used word. I have tried to follow this doc to get used to the idea of us

'Server failed to authenticate the request' when attempting to generate SAS URI for (Azurite) Azure BLOB storage

I've combed through at least a dozen different versions of this problem but none of them have so far produced an answer to the one I'm having. I'm attempting to

Valid Azure Blob Metadata Identifiers

I've been trying to add metadata on an .mp4 video that is stored on an Azure Blob. I want to add opengraph tags and when I try and enter them in, I get a messag

What is the best way to import Google Analytics data into Azure Blob/Data Lake?

I am trying to import Google Analytics data into Azure Blob or Data Lake storage for analysis or reporting. But I don't see a Google Analytics connector in Azur

Clearing cache in Azure Function app and c#?

I'm using Azure Functions App and c# for coding. I want to clear the cache every 10 minutes for example, if there is a way to do that in the code ?

How to read an excel file stored in Azure Storage as a Blob File

I want to read an excel file stored in an Azure Storage container as a Blob using Epplus package in C#. I have tried to do something with this code. string uri

Move files to BLOB using Automate

I want to move files my email to attachment to Azure BLOB using Power Automate. I am aware of the BLOB storage connection but I can't use it as I don't have the

Download blob using Azure Blob storage client library v12 for .NET

I am using Azure.Storage.Blobs version=12.4.1. I have a REST endpoint that I want to use to download blobs from a storage account. I need to stream the result

Azure Blob storage SDK: Switch off logging

I have an application which is using python module. Evidently, when I am executing it, the module is dumping its log data in the logger whic

Unable to Publish ADF Storage Event Trigger

I have created storage event trigger in my Azure Data Factory. StorageV2 (general purpose v2) account has been configured with it, If file is place in input con

Why is iframe content downloading as a file?

When visiting the webpage with the following iframe, the HTML file is downloaded as a file instead of just displaying on the page within the iframe. Why is it d

error importing 'BlobServiceClient' from ''

I have the following line of code: from import BlobServiceClient I get the following error: from import BlobServiceCli

Automatically Delete/Expire Azure Blobs after a time period

With Azure Blob storage is it possible to either have an individual blob or all blobs within a container delete themselves after a certain period of time simila

Can't Add Reference to Visual C# Console App in Visual Studio

I have created a Visual C# Console App and I am trying to add reference to resolve an error. Since I am new to the IDE and I am looking for some help on how to

Tracking the changes in data of azure blob storage

Azure provides tracking of activities by activity log but I am working on a use case in which I have to track changes in a JSON file that is in the Azure blob s