Category "azure-api-management"

What are main difference between Subscription Key and OAth 2.0 in Azure API Management?

I'm looking for a away to protect my APIs in APIM, I really don't understand the difference between Subscription Key and OAuth 2.0 using Access Token. Can we us

Azure API Management - Versioning

We are currently having all our APIs in Azure API Management Portal. The versioning in the API code is handled using the version header. These APIs were deploye

Azure api management returns status 500 after enabling "assignment required" on Azure function Enterprise application properties

I have an application where I need both access via APIM as well as directly to the API via Azure AD authentication. After enabling the Assignment required toggl

Need to modify request payload in Azure APIM set body to send modified request body to BE

My APIM is receiving request payload in POST request - and I have to format and send to backend -- Formatted payload for BE I have to add the 2 parameters afte

API Management with GIT and Octopus - Git PUSH / Git PULL

Following on from this post of mine: API Management with GIT I have an API management instance running. I know API management has its own GIT repository. I