Category "aws-cli"

How to print the most recent Cloudwatch log for a certain Lambda function from the AWS CLI?

I am trying to use the AWS CLI and ASK CLI to code an Alexa skill, and I would like to be able to use the Alexa simulator and view the console logs directly fro

Is there anyway to generate a SRP_A from AWS CLI?

aws cognito-idp admin-initiate-auth --user-pool-id eu-west-1_xxxxx --client-id xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx --auth-flow USER_SRP_AUTH --auth-parameters USERNAME=xxx@yahoo.

AWS CLI install with homebrew keep error with [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED]

My system is M1 Mac with macOS 12.3.1 and aws cli install via homebrew when tried to run aws s3 ls it keep error with SSL validation failed for https://s3.{awsr

AWS SSM put parameter Validation Exception

I am getting error when I execute the below command. But as far as I have googled, I see the syntax is correct. Command 1: aws ssm put-parameter --name /Finan

AWS S3 Sync --force-glacier-transfer

A few days back I was experimenting with S3 & Glacier and my data was archived so restoring it back I had to use their expedited service (which costs a lot)

Jenkins: The config profile (user_profile) could not be found Error: Cannot perform an interactive login from a non TTY device

I'm getting the error when executing the build with Jenkins:The config profile (user_profile) could not be found Error: Cannot perform an interactive login from

Filtering AWS CloudWatch raw log events by multiple values / AWS CLI

Given the following query on CloudWatch that extracts logs with messages including "entry 1456" (where 1456 is an ID) how should I extend this to take multiple

AWS InvalidParameter when calling the ImportImage operation

I have .ova VM's stored on my S3 bucket, I am trying to create AMI from these OVA. I was going through this video to Import a VM as an Image Using VM Import/Exp

How can I download/pull lambda code to a local machine from command line?

I am using the sam deploy command with the AWS SAM command line tool to deploy. Now I made some changes with the web IDE in the AWS Console. How can I pull the

How to run `dotnet lambda deploy-serverless` command without parameters?

Good evening. The question is about dotnet lambda deploy-serverless command. This command is used to deploy .Net apps to AWS Lambda service using AWS CloudForma

How to get orderer logs | amazon managed blockchain

I setup hyperledger fabric in amazon managed blockchain. I can get peer node logs, CA logs, chaincode logs. I do not know how to get orderer logs. That is requi

docker exec cli peer channel create | failed to create new connection: context deadline exceeded | amazon managed blockchain

I am trying to setup hyperledger fabric blockchain network using amazon managed blockchain following this guide. In the step 6, to create the channel I have exe

Error | entroll the member admin | fabric-ca-client enroll | Amazon Managed Blockchain

I am trying to setup hyperledger fabric blockchain network using amazon managed blockchain following this guide. To entroll, I have used the following command,

How to get MyPeerNodeEndpoint | aws managedblockchain get-node | step 3

I am trying to setup hyperledger fabric blockchain network using amazon managed blockchain following this guide. In the step 3, I need MyPeerNodeEndpoint to cre

How do I delete all except the latest 5 recently updated/new files from AWS s3?

I can fetch the last five updated files from AWS S3 using the below command aws s3 ls s3://somebucket/ --recursive | sort | tail -n 5 | awk '{print $4}' Now

Copying s3 bucket from on account to another: "The security token included in the request is invalid"

I am trying to copy a set of s3 files from one s3 bucket to another. I'm following the example shown on Amazon Web Services - Copy list of files from S3 bucket

awscli version 2 on alpine linux

I was trying to put awscli_v2 into an alpine-based docker container and see that it fails with the following error message: /aws/install: line 78: /aws/dis

AWS CLI with Python 3.9.0a1 error `from collections import MutableMapping`

I have installed AWS CLI using pip on my Python 3.9.0a1 alpine docker image. Install went fine. When I run aws command, getting below error. aws Traceback (m

Disable progress output aws s3 sync without disabling all output

Is there any way to disable the Completed 1 of 12 part(s) with 11 file(s) remaining... progress output with the aws s3 sync command (from the aws cli tools). I

Disable progress output aws s3 sync without disabling all output

Is there any way to disable the Completed 1 of 12 part(s) with 11 file(s) remaining... progress output with the aws s3 sync command (from the aws cli tools). I