Category "aws-application-load-balancer"

Multiple services with ALB ingress

I have created EKS cluster with Fargate. I deployed two microservices. Everything is working properly with ingress and two separate application load balancers.

I get an ALB Lambda error - 502 Bad Gateway

I've been grappling with alb 2 lambda 502 bad gateway errors. In my ALB access logs, it shows a 'LambdaInvalidResponse' which i'm guessing is because my lambda

EKS Nodes not Registering in Target Group using ALB Ingress Controller

I have followed the below AWS document to create an ALB ingress controller;

keep grpc channel alive without activity

We have a system where clients open bi-directional grpc stream to ALB, which proxies to one of active server. So              

Does AWS API Gateway private integration with ALB works with ALB https listener

I have a public API gateway with HTTP API I'm trying to forward traffic to an internal ALB with private link. It works well for an HTTP listener but I can't mak